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Diesel Vehicles: We are considering a cash allotment system for fuel
purchases where diesel fuel cannot be purchased on the regular Gelco
credit card system. This would mean that we must be able to see sub­
stantial savings, .20-.25¢ per gal., by using local independent dealers
for fuel purchases.
If you are up for tradeout, but the diesel fuel stations in your area
are not represented by Gelco, you may want to consider this system when
discussing your new vehicle with us.
Ministerial Information Packets: There have been some questions regarding
the monthly expense reports. This report is intended for NON-Gelco Ex­
penses only because any expenses incurred at a national account store,
dealership, or on the Gelco credit cards will automatically be reported
to Gelco.
--Ellis LaRavia, Fleet Administration
Just a reminder to complete your festival WN forms and/or send
in your undeveloped black and white film oi1"°the due dates pre­
scribed. Photographers need to AIR MAIL or AIR EXPRESS their
film back to the WN no later than September 29, and coordinators
their completed forms by October 3. Production time for the WN
is extremely short after the Feast, therefore, late reports and
photos will not be included in the special wrap-up issue. Please
plan to forward your reports and photos as scheduled.
If you as a festival coordinator for some reason have not received
a copy of the festival form, please forward a summary of your
site's activities on the above date.
--Dexter H. Faulkner, The Worldwide News
GERMAN ELECTION UPDATE Earlier this month campaigning for the October 5
West German national elections officially began. Not that it had not
already started unofficially long before then.
Chancellor-challenger Franz Josef Strauss had forecast early on that
the campaign would be the ''dirtiest ever" in the history of the Federal
Republic. It seems his prediction was correct. From all indications
(based upon conditions prevailing up to September) Herr Strauss was the
recipient of more abuse than his opponent, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt.
He has been depicted in campaign posters (not approved by his opponents,
officially at least) in various dictatorial poses. One showed Strauss,
a butcher's son, slicing up a salami labeled "Freedom."
Strauss, reported TIME magazine, was to bring defamation charges against
a rock group for a song containing the lyrics, "Franz Josef the pig,