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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 15, 1980
Page 12
Special Feast G.N. Enthusiastically Received
Have just received the special Feast edition of the GOOD NEWS and
what a thrill. I have already read most of it and will probably
read it all tonight. Am looking forward to this year's Feast of
Tabernacles--being my 29th Feast. Every year they are better and
more exciting. Thank you Mr. Armstrong for this Feast edition.
--Mrs. Edith L. Read (South Pasadena, CA)
Thank you Mr. Armstrong for such an inspiring GOOD NEWS! With such
inspiring articles, this truly should be a very unified and blessed
(both physically and spiritually) Feast. Thank you for guiding us
all to such terrific spiritual food!
--Mr. & Mrs. Gary V. Lashua (St. Petersburg, FL)
Greetings. Just received the special edition of the GOOD NEWS, with
all the articles in preparation for the Feast. Can't wait to start
reading them all. What a beautiful cover. In going over the arti­
cle on "How To Use Your Second Tithe,'' I now have a better perspec­
tive on how to keep the Feast....Thanks for the articles on note­
taking and making the Feast more special for children. And--surprise
to me--this issue is for taking with us to the Feast!
--Mrs. Diane W. Hauser (Onalaska, WI)
We just received the special August edition of the GOOD NEWS. We're
glad that you were able to get it out early this year, so we can
study and be better prepared for the Feast of Tabernacles.
--Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Warden (Crete, IL)
Just received my new August issue of the GOOD NEWS--the special
edition for the Feast of Tabernacles. Just by scanning it, the
issue looks great and will truly be a big help in preparing for an
outstanding Feast throughout the world, wherever God's people will
be keeping it. Thank you so very much for this special issue."
--Harry T. Witte (New Castle, PA)
We would like to especially thank you Mr. Armstrong and the GOOD
NEWS staff for the August special edition. We feel that it will be
a helpful tool in our observance of the Feast this year. Thank you
once again from the bottom of our hearts. It seems you know, with
God's guidance, exactly what we need.
--Mr. & Mrs. Anthony White (Toccoa, GA)
I must compliment the GOOD NEWS staff on the special issue.
the most wonderful GOOD NEWS ever. Keep up the good work.
It is
--Roy Patrick (Lubbock, TX)