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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 15, 1980
Page 10
Mr. Armstrong's tapes are very much appreciated by me. Not only do
they help me time-wise, but they are unifying us by having a single
voice week by week expounding basic principles of this
HAZARD, KY--WARREN J. HEATON III: We have the joy in sharing the
excitement of a new congregation here in Hazard.
Everyone wants to
help and serve.
To top it off I had fifteen requests for baptism
in one week!
God is already blessing this new area with growth. We've had two
families move away for employment, but they were replaced by four
new families.
Letter Comments
Since a number of brethren will be starting their third tithe year after
the Feast, the following accounts of abundant third tithe blessings should
be inspiring. Also, those who received an early copy of Mr. Rader's book,
AGAINST THE GATES OF HELL, found it interesting and gripping. Through
the boJk, they have also been able to get to know and appreciate Mr.
Rader and his work much better. Finally, members are enthusiastically
receiving the special Feast issue of The GOOD NEWS. It is helping them
to become more prepared for this year's Feast.
Blessing s
We have been in our third tithe year since last Feast of Tabernacles
and wonderful blessings have been pouring forth on us ever since
We are now totally out of debt and have found a home that is
affordable and close to where my husband works. Also, my husband has
been given great favor in the eyes of his boss and they have become
The spiritual blessings have been fantastic.
Mr. Armstrong's live
sermon of the Last Great Day moved me to tears several times. The
Bible Study series on Romans as well as the many letters and articles
have all been great blessings. Now my heart is so filled with joy
that I seem unable to.contain it.
--Mrs. Janice Young (Salem, OR)
God is the greatest giver and servant in the universe.
While in
this third tithe year money was tight, two blessings occurred. I
needed a very good mattress for my back, so I prayed about it. The
next day my brother called up and told me that I could have a new
$559 mattress and box spring set for $150! His friend bought it
and complained to the manufacturer about a tiny spot and the manu­
facturer sent him another set.
Secondly, my kitchen chairs were badly in need of reupholstering.
I didn't have enough money to have them done completely, so we asked
the reupholsterer to do just the seat part and not the backs for a
total of $34. Their workers made a mistake and reupholstered the
chairs entirely, but we did not have to pay extra. It probably
would have cost over $100 to have them done entirely.
--John Palmeri (Jamaica, NY)