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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 15, 1980
Page 9
It was encouraging that the Bible was the main textbook from which
we are once again reviewing the doctrines which God has placed
His Church through your guidance and direction.
We would also like to express our thanks to the instructors whom you
have chosen to accomplish the task of helping those of us in the
ministry to be of one mind and speak the same thing.
Now that we have returned to our responsibility in the field
ministry, we pray that the fruits that are borne as a result of
our attending the Ministerial Refreshing Program will in some way
be an encouragement to you that your effort and sacrifices to put
God's Church back on the right track have not been in vain.
Maceo and Phoebe Hampton
Special Thanks From Members
Dear Mr. Tkach:
These people wish to thank you for your men who have come to us
with good news from Pasadena. I hope that many additional visits
like this one may occur in the future.
Daniel D. Gehman, Pine City, NY
To: Mr. Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services--
THANK YOU, Mr. Tkach, for sending Mr. Salyer and Mr. Feazell
to Corning and Binghamton, N.Y. to show us by film and the
spoken word the heroic success of Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Rader,
and all Pasadena and Ambassador College leadership and con­
gregations in preserving and defending the good name of our
Great God and His Church. And thank you for giving us the
word that all those at headquarters are now gratefully backing
the Apostle. Thank you for inspiring and ornamenting our
lives in this end time.
(31 member signatures appeared on this letter)
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
BROOKLYN/QUEENS, NY--LESLIE A. SCHMEDES: Our congregation is grow­
ing. Attendance has held up well this sununer. Concern about Mr.
Armstrong's well being is foremost in the minds of most. The local
congregation is very unified behind Mr. Armstrong's leadership.
AUGUSTA, GA--JOHN RITENBAUGH: Mr. Rader's visit to the Augusta area
was especially good. Reporters and interviewers were cordial, re­
sponsive, and knowledgeable about the case. Supportive articles
appeared in the two Augusta newspapers.
COLUMBIA, SC--JOHN RITENBAUGH: Despite not getting any new PMs,
attendance is up and better still, attitudes are very up. Mr.
Rader's visit did much good regarding the lawsuit and dispelling
fears about him. A very unifying effect.