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For volleyball and basketball, district coordinators should set up
schedules which encourage all teams to participate in a full season of
regular play! Teams are free to play neighboring churches across district
lines where convenient. Since standings will not be recorded during the
season, coaches can give all teens more playing time so that a wrong
spirit of competition will not be so prevalent.
At the end of the season, a tournament may be held in which all district
teams can participate. This tournament should be accompanied by other
special activities such as Bible-bowl contests and social events. Some
funding for these activities will be available from Pasadena.
Effective immediately, each local pastor will become the local coordinator
for his churches. He may have others assist him, but the pastor himself
is responsible for all facets of the local Y.O.U. program. Former local
coordinators will no longer receive communication directly from Y.0.U.!!
Requests for Guest Speakers
Several men have been requesting guest speakers for their areas by con­
tacting the guest speaker directly. This practice produces various un­
desirable results, both budgetarily and in scheduling.
In the future, all requests for guest speakers should be sent directly to
Ministerial Services, so that proper budgetary factors can be taken int()
consideration, along with all records of previous visits, including G-II
trips, Holy Day visits, special visits, etc.
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
How much we thank God for bringing you back to put His Church in
order! The change we have seen here on the campus and in other
areas of the Work has been inspiring and encouraging.
Our two sons had the opportunity to attend S.E.P.
so enthusiastic about it all, and were thrilled to
from you. Thank you for your concern in the lives
They came home
see and hear
of our young
The Ministerial Refreshing Program has been just- that--refreshing.
How nice to be taught by people who believe in God's Word. Our
only disappointment was in not being able to see and hear from
you personally. We thank God for what He is doing through you.
May God continue to bless you.
Fred and Lucretia Kellers
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I thank you very much for the Ministerial Refreshing
Program and for being able to attend.