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With the dedication and total loyalty now shown by the ministry, the
members are again fulfilling I Thessalonians 5:12-13--they are esteeming
the ministry very highly for its outstanding work.
More specifically, here is what members are expressing, as compiled by
Richard Rice and the Mail Processing Staff:
1. The SERMONS are inspiring, helpful and interesting--as well as
corrective where necessary. Above all, they are based on the
Word of God, not the ideas of men. '1inisters are putting r:1ore
emphasis on the preparation of their sermons.
2. There is complete LOYALTY to God's Apostle and the Work of God.
The brethren are being kept in constant touch with what is taking
place in the Work.
3. For the members, the ministers have once again become the
"HELPERS OF THEIR JOY"--the growth and welfare of the brethren
are at their heart.
4. The men in the field are showing sincerity and DEDICATION TOWARD
5. Ministers have diligently followed the example of God's A9ostle
in getting their local churches BACK ON THE TRACK.
6. Members are expressing how their ministers are truly INSPIRING
them once again.
7. Pastors are serving their churches with more of GOD'S LOVE.
Members have written about the care and concern shown to them
by their local minister.
8. Ministers are truly SERVING THEIR FLOCKS. Many are working
tirelessly and going above and beyond in helping their congre­
9. Pastors are taking to heart the need to PREPARE THEIR MEMBERS
for the coming Marriage of the Lamb. There is an awareness that
time may be short.
10. Brethren are happy about the UNITY that has again been re­
established in their churches.
New Directives for Y.O.U. Activities
A question has arisen about which Y.O.U. activities are limited to the
district level. The recently announced changes affect only athletic
competition. All other programs will continue as in the past. Current
district and regional coordinators should continue in those responsibil­
ities through the 1980-1981 activity year.