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PUBLISHING SERVICES UPDATE· You find us this week very busy, as usual·.
The main topic, of course, is the preparation of our department bud-
gets for 1978/79. We are continually trying to find ways of being
more cost effective in our publishing areas. As the budget permits,
we plan to do even more to expand our Plain Truth circulation this
corning year. One relatively new idea for the Plain Truth we've tried
recently is the use of outside mailing lists. We purchased a trial
list from Prevention Magazine and mailed a promotion offer of a trial
subscription to the Plain Truth. This has proved to be quite success-
ful and opens up a totally new avenue for spreading the gospel.
Initial response has been very encouraging. The respondees are pro­
gressing so fast that quite a large percentage have already requested
the Correspondence Course.
Another point of interest: our printer for the Plain Truth and Quest/78
recently informed us again that the quality of the film we supply to
them for printing is better and more consistent than the top publishers
including Time, Inc., Ziff Davis, NBC, etc. They say that our packages
are better organized and reflect very well on our organization. Com- ·�
ments like this are very encouraging to our fel1ows in Printing Services
here in Pasadena who handle the total preparation of film for the
over 20 printers we deal with worldwide.
--Roger G. Lippross, Publishing Services
edition of The Good News, all head of household members of the Church
will receive the GN free of charge. This publication is intended to
be sent to members only. However, the June 19 issue will also be
sent to� Co-Workers as a special issue.
Requests for subscription and renewals need not be made since all
head of household members will a�tomaticaily be placed on our mailing
list. New members will be added automatically.
Co-Workers who subscribed to The Worldwide News will continue to
receive The Good News in its place until their WN subscriptions run
out. Co-Workers will also continue to receive the Co-Worker News­
letter which contains a digest of the information published in The
Good News.
All pastors of churches will immediately be placed on an airmail list
and should receive The Good News only a few days after it is printed.
We would like to ask at this time for any input the ministry may have
for the revived Good News. We are especially interested in your feed­
back on how The Good News can serve the members now that we will be
adding a more spiritual and instructional emphasis to existing copy.
Your thoughts on the matter will be most appreciated. Please address
all correspondence to The Good News, Box 111, Pasadena, California,
--Dexter Faulkner, Good News Managing Editor
Retention of Expense Reports: We've had the question raised lately
as to how long you should keep your expense reports. It is recommended
that you keep them as long as you retain your tax returns. The minimum