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from college. I would like him to obtain a bachelor's degree, but
this program, offering foundational understanding might be just the
thing for him during these formative years of life. He could enter
inunediately after completing high school, or as a meaningful "change
of pace" sometime during his academic program at another college.
I feel that this would he vital not only in terms of his future career
direction in life, but in terms of his spiritual and moral develop­
ment. And who knows, he might even meet that one person at Ambassador
College who, at some future date, will become my-daughter-in-law!
As I mentioned earlier, this new diploma program which Mr. Armstrong
has established is quite innovative. It is not an academic degree
program, but it does allow us to deal directly with some critical
issues central to the development of college-ag� people.
--George Geis, Dean of Faculty
Ministerial Development: Festival Seminars for local elders and
ministerial candidates.
Due to the positive response to last year's elder seminars at Tucson
and St. Petersburg, Mr. Wayne Cole has approved holding them at the
Feast again this Fall.
Since these sessions are an opportunity for additional ministerial
training at a time when there is no job conflict, we are going to
extend these seminars to include ministerial candidates who are
employed outside of the Church.
We will probably have more people registering this time since it will
be open to both elders and ministerial candidates. To accomodate
the additional registrants, we will be holding the training sessions
at Seattle, Lake of the Ozarks, and the Savannah, Georgia feast sites.
The time allocated during the Feast will probably be from 12:30 p.m.
to 2:30 p.m. on October 17, 18, 19, 20 and 22. This will allow
ten hours of solid class instruction by three or four qualified
Ambassador College Certificate of the Ministry instructors. These
sessions should prove to be extremely beneficial.
It would be appreciated if all interested elders and ministerial
candidates would write to Ministerial Development, to the attention
of Art Mokarow, suggesting specific subjects you would like covered.
With only ten hours of instruction we want to be sure you receive
what is serving your ministerial needs.
All who would like to attend these sessions please write to Ministerial
Development for registration. It is necessary that you get your
Pastor's approval written on your request letter before consideration
cRn be given. Any of you who want to attend the sessions but are
assigned to another feast area should write to the Festival Office
as well as Ministerial Development.
Your requests will be processed as soon as received and you will be
notified regarding acceptance as soon as possible thereafter. Please
w1·ite soon and don't forget to include the subject/s you want covered.
--Art Mokarow, Ministerial Development