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This year we have worked hard on two large gardens. Recent weeks
have been filled with terrible thunderstorms--bLinging more than
three inches of rain and leaving the ground completely soaked.
Last Wednesday another storm passed through sprinkling hail one
and one-half inches in diameter.
It was too muddy to go i�to the
garden till Friday evening--and then I saw it! The soybeans in
the fields around our garden had the leaves all chropped uo �nd
full of holes, but the hail had not damaged our garden things at
all!! Our garden was skipped and the damage resumed on the o�her
side! Does God bless His people for tithing? Yes, in living ways
that can't be counted in dollars.
--Mr. & Mrs. Herschel K. (Chandler, IN)
FREE Literature Appreciated
I wish to thank you for your kindness in mailing your most informa­
tive booklets, etc. to me for such a long period of time without
asking for a single penny in return. This is a sure proof you are
Christian in all you say and do. The Bible prophecies have been
eye-opening for me. God bless you in keeping up this wonderful and
enlightening Work of good.
--Mrs. Steve B. (Kettering, OH)
Bless you for your great generosity to us. I am in receipt of your
to me free of charge!!! I can hardly believe this. How that
wretched State of California can impugn your integrity when you
don't even charge for your literature is beyond me. I am especially
blessed as I am living hand-to-mouth and could in no way afford all
your fine literature which I profited by greatly.
--Mrs. Shirley H. (Portland, OR)
I have such a deep Christian love for you. Imagine, all these years
I have been able to enjoy God's Word through reading your magazine.
You have never asked for a penny, and yet it comes in the mail just
like clockwork. Many of these years I've been sickly and even on
welfare. I would not have been able to afford to buy such an in­
formative magazine.
--Mrs. Lydia R. (South Gate, CA)
I would like to thank you once again for continually sending me
your booklets on the different topics. Nowadays everything costs
something and everyone is always out there with their hand open
looking for some kind of contribution or payment. But you have
never pressed me or even asked me for any type of contribution.
I would like to thank you for that!!
--Diana B. (Berwyn, IL)