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If everyone could do yoJr job it would indeed need explaining.
But God chose you and I'm not about to doubt or question Christ's
wisdom and ability to know what's in your heart! He knows! He
put you there!
--Phylis N.
Tithepayers Blessed in Many Ways
God has certainly kept His Word to me about His promise to bless
those who pay their tithes. When I first started, I was in a
federal penitentiary earning about 130 dollars per month. Now I
have been out for about 18 months. (I would not be out except God
arranged it.) I am now making over $2,000 a month while there are
many in this area with the same skills as myself, who aren't work­
J.W. (Selma, CA)
After 22 years of tithing there is no other way for me. Last week
I noticed that my shoes were getting a little thin. I just gave it
a thought--didn't ask. Now I have four pairs of new shoes, my
size, and they didn't cost me a cent. Also my parsnips didn't
come up last year, but I received half a bushel of the nicest par­
snips, all washed and clean! As they say, "try it, you will like
--Mrs. Reuben W. (Durand, WI)
Seems like each time we write, we have good news to share. In the
sixteen years that I have been in the Church, I have personally
never been blessed like this. Even the trials aren't so bad--and
we know it is because of our faith in God who keeps strengthening
us all! We moved a week ago into a beautiful three bedroom house
with a finished basement. My mother and sister have also moved up
here from Kentucky. Now we are truly a family within God's family.
We all really needed this.
--Dave & Marilyn S. (Columbus, OH)
God continues to bless us. After twenty-six years of raising my
family I returned to work this past February as a dispatcher for
the company my husband works for. After just five months on this
job, I have been promoted to terminal manager. I knew when I went
to work that I was being trained for this position, but I didn't
realize that I would qualify so quickly. God has been with me every.
step of the way. Now I can tithe on a regular basis which makes
me feel more a part of this Work and it will give me plenty of
opportunities to build righteous character.
--Mrs. Chlotilde (Corrigan, TX)
I may have mentioned this before, but when I continually pay God
His tithes and offerings to be used by His servants to proclaim
His Gospel to the world, He in turn sends me His priceless truth
and, of course, the other nine tenths of His income. It gives me
a great feeling to know that others who hunger after truth can read
The PLAIN TRUTH and listen to The WORLD TOMORROW program.
--Robert C. (Bangor, ME)