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S REPORT, July 25, 1980
Page 7
The Refresher Program has really been uplifting. We hope this can
become a yearly opportunity. The unity it will promote in the
Church will be tremendous. We are very thankful that God has guided
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong to see the need for this program. The
instruction has been Biblical, inspiring, and corrective. The con­
tact with the leaders in the Church is an added bonus.
Roy and Norma Holladay
Blessings! Blessings! Blessings!
My husband and I had the fantastic opportunity to come to God's
College to take in of the "Refresher Program." We couldn't begin
to tell you how great it has been to see and hear with our own eyes
and ears that God is really getting His Church back on the right
track. The warm hand shakes and big smiles are so refreshing.
After being in classes for two days our seven-year-old son Derrick
wanted to know if we had learned to subtract yet. Yes, I believe we
are all learning quickly to subtract the wrong things in our lives
and learning to add the values God would have us to know and learn.
We do hope that all those ministers and wives that will be coming
in for classes in the future will enjoy every minute as we have.
Thanks to all of those that have spent
hours preparing these
classes for us.
Mrs. Gene Watkins
Dear Mr. Tkach:
"The chance of a lifetime
• • •
that's the way my wife and I would
describe the new Ministerial Refresher Program! Three weeks at the
College in Pasadena, with about thirty ministers and wives from all
over the nation and the world, all learning to "speak the same
thing" as approved by Mr. Armstrong; all the classes covering areas
of vital interest to every field minister.
Ministerial Services has made every effort to make our stay pleasant
and enjoyable. We also get personally acquainted with the adminis­
trative personnel of Ministerial Services and other departments on
From the standpoint of a younger minister, it's especially helpful
to benefit from the wisdom and experience of the senior ministers on
the Program--Mr. Friddle, Mr. Smith, Mr. Blackwell, etc. We've been
able to make many new acquaintances and renew some old ones.
From our standpoint, this is a program that no one would want to
miss! Thanks for having us in for the first�ession!
Kenneth Giese
Dear Mr. Tkach:
I wanted to take this opportunity to say "thanks" from Susan and me
for your phone call about my mother-in-law. We both know that you
didn't have to call, but we appreciate the fact that you took your