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would be entitled to proceed to trial, and (2) the stay of the state
court receivership did not moot our federal case because the alleged
constitutional wrongs which we seek to enjoin are "'capable of re­
petition, yet evading review.'"
Thus, in this, the first appellate opinion in either the state or
federal court system, the Ninth Circuit recognized that we may well
have legitimate grounds to complain of the State's conduct toward us.
As soon as possible, we will file our amended complaint and proceed
to vindicate our rights, including seeking preliminary relief against
the mockery of the Constitution which the Attorney General and the
state courts have made.
Evangelist Injured in Auto Accident
Mr. Harold Jackson, pastor of the Nairobi, Kenya church was involved in
an auto accident two weeks ago and suffered a badly broken arm, cuts and
bruises. He underwent repair surgery, but has not been well since, per­
haps suffering the affects of aftershock.
Please remember to pray for his urgent recovery--he is nearly 70 years
Mr. Owen Willis, who has been in England for the past year, is returning
to Kenya immediately to assist where possible.
Special Letters of Appreciation
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thanks so very much for holding fast the things that Christ has
delivered to you.
The understanding, fellowship, camaraderie, and instruction we
are now receiving in the Ministerial Refresher Program could not
have been possible two years ago. Words can't express the totality
of the change that has come about here on the Pasadena campus.
Our thanks to God goes up daily for you and the way you are yielding
to Christ. May God continue to richly bless His Church through you.
Don and Geri Mason
We can't ever remember foundational knowledge having such an impact
on our lives. Our hands are almost paralyzed from writing! It
seems to us that the ministry is more unified and teachable than
we have been for years. And the greatest Teacher of all is truly
teaching as never before. We thank God and Mr. Armstrong for making
it all possible.
Gerald and Barbara Flurry