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Your Financial Worries," really gave me a push in the right
direction. I had been trying to find a way to help my Father
in heaven and you showed me how. Thank you so much.
--Ida D. (Sacramento, CA)
About the Correspondence Course
I have been subscribing to The PLAIN TRUTH for several months and
just recently received the Correspondence Course. The lessons are
stimulating and interesting and I am finding that I just can't
read fast enough to learn everything that I yearn to know. I am
very excited about it.
--Olive S. (Amherst, NY)
I'd like to take this opportunity to say the Correspondence
Course is the best yet of all the reading I've done of the Church
literature. I'm starting Lesson 6 now and I can truly say that
they do strip away the false smoke screen of deceit that has
covered me most of my life.
-�Greg P. (Cincinnati, OH)
I have just co�pleted Lesson 4 of the Ambassador College Corre­
spondence Course and I am looking forward to Lesson 5. It's so
interesting and so easy to understand. I find myself thinking
"Is that in the Bible too?" I look it. up and sure enough--there
it is as plain as can be--I don't see how I could have missed it!
--Mrs. Leo S. (Nelson, MN)
I received the Bible Course in the early sixties and just recently
decided to go through it again in its entirety. As I started
reading in Lesson 1 that we should study at least half an hour
h day, I looked at my clock. When I finally decided to stop
and go to bed, three and a half hours had passed! It's so enjoyable,
I just can't s�em to stop once I get started. I have to push my­
self to start and push even harder to stop.
--Larry W. (Roanoke, VA)
Members Reflect on Their Calling
Before being brought to God's truth my life was empty and miserable,
full of frustration and misery, not knowing where life was going to
take me. And being a young man of 20 years of age, that sure is·
sad. But this year has been different: Being baptized in February;
knowing that life does have a wonderful meaning and purpose; knowing
that we are here for a cause, instead of leading an empty life
and thinking that when we die we go to heaven. God truly has
blessed my life, and I know when I call upon His name He will be
there to answer my prayers.
--Todd L. (Knox, IN)
We are so very happy to be a part of this great Work. We are
longing so much for the growth we need and for the actual reali­
zation of God's eternal government to be established. It is the