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books. Roanoke, Virginia pastor Robert Persky, said that five libraries
in his area will purchase Mr. Armstrong's books, while nine are willing
to accept a donation.
We are extremely pleased with these results and are looking forward to
hearing how the program is progressing in other areas.
--Publishing Services
This week's letter comments concern the Plain Truth, Correspondence
Course and members' feelings of delight and gratitude for being a part
of God's true Church. Readers of the P.T. were especially moved and
sobered by Mr. Armstrong's article, "America the Beautiful--Arnerica the
--Mail Processing Center
Plain Truth Comments
I think the June-July PLAIN TRUTH is the most inspiring and
exciting one I have ever read and I have read quite a few in
the past 18 years. Keep on letting us have more of the same.
--Mrs. W.G. (Odum, GA)
The May and June-July issues of The PLAIN TRUTH were the best
ever, with eye-opening, hard-hitting articles. Please continue
to give inspired issues like these. We pray for the Work of
God to reach more minds as time passes.
--Richards. (Jersey City, NJ)
Today I received the new issue of The PLAIN TRUTH and after
seeing the beautiful cover, I couldn't wait to read the articles
inside. The article entitled "America the Beautiful--Arnerica
the Condemned!" was very timely and gave me much food for thought.
TheĀ· PLAIN TRUTH is getting better and better with each new issue.
--Stephen B. (Bloomsburg, PA)
I just received the latest PLAIN TRUTH with the article "America
the Beautiful--America the Condemned! .. That was the first article
I read. It was fantastic, yet so very sad. I had just been
reading in Jeremiah, "Pray not thou for this people, neither lift
up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear them in the time
that they cry unto me for their trouble" (Jer. 11:14).
God seems to be saying that their sins have shut them off from
God sparing them and He won't even listen to a righteous man
concerning them because things had gone too far.
--Kathy A. (Laurel, MS)
In your magazine, The PLAIN TRUTH, you made me see that I must
help my God let the people on this earth know of Him. In the
June-July issue the article, .. Despite Inflation You Can Solve