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Since cessation of the "bush war,'' life is more relaxed. Certain members
are still rather apprehensive and have chosen to wait and see what the
irrunediate future of the country holds. Others have felt pressure from
political party officials who desire that they join one or the other
group. Your prayers for our brethren in Zimbabwe are requested. At
present the Work there is unhindered and able to expand.
Combined Spanish/English Bible Lectures
On May 5 and 6 Mr. Al Kersha, pastor of the Miami, Florida congregation,
conducted two Bible lectures for readers of LA PURA VERDAD and The PLAIN
TRUTH located in that metropolitan area. A total of 38 and 34 readers of
the PV and PT respectively, attended one or both of these meetings. Mr.
Kersha's presentations were entitled "Survival of the Family in the 80's"
and "East vs. West--Will it End in World War III?'' A simultaneous trans­
lation into Spanish was provided for PV readers.
Attendance at these meetings was considered excellent since the Miami
area had been in unprecedented turmoil related to the mass exodus of
Cubans fleeing to the U.S. Tens of thousands of families had nothing on
their minds except the way to get one or more of their loved ones out of
communist Cuba.
One woman who had just arrived from Cuba on a small, crowded boat attended
one of the lectures! Mr. Kersha felt the people who attended these
lectures had a different perspective in receiving the message of the
corning Kingdom of God.
Corrunents From Monthly Church Reports
BOISE, ID--JEFF MCGOWAN: Things are still moving in a very positive
direction overall. We have started on some of The PLAIN TRUTH distribu­
tion programs in the area, and initial results appear to be very positive.
Our thanks to Mr. Armstrong and the rest of the staff who have yielded
themselves to Jesus Christ to develop The PLAIN TRUTH into the fine
quality magazine it should be.
WICHITA, KS--JUDD KIRK: The Wichita Church seems to be a frienaly and
warm group of people. We have received an extremely warm welcome from
the Church. I believe the general spirit of the Church exhi),ited on the
Day of Pentecost was excellent. It was one of the finest Holy 0ays I
remember in a long time.
LUFKIN, TX--JOHN H. OGWYN: Attitudes are very positive. Overall, things
are going well.
HOUSTON NORTH, TX--JOHN H. OGWYN: New PM activity has leveled off some,
but we are still following up on baptismal counseling for the influx we
have had the last few months. Things looking up overall.
KANSAS CITY NORTH, MO--BRYAN H. HOYT: We have had a very favorable re­
sponse to the change in making housing arrangements at the Feast. Attend­
ance is up and so is the overall attitude of the congregation.
COEUR D'ALENE, ID--ROGER FOSTER: Many express acute awareness of events,
conditions, and times we live in, and the hope that the end of this age
may come soon.