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Report From Southern Africa
Mail: In the first five months of 1980, 47% more (66,000) letters and
cards have been sent to our Johannesburg office. Included is the bulk of
the 17,500 requests we received for Mr. Herbert Armstrong's book TOMORROW-­
WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE. Over one third of our mailing list at the time
requested the publication, and 275 expressed their appreciation for the
gift by contributing for the first time to God's Work. Some of these have
since become co-workers.
Publications: The number of PLAIN TRUTH magazines printed in Cape Town,
South Africa is now over 100,000 per month. The mailing list is over
57,000 with an additional 10,000 expected from promotions this month.
There are now 40,000 newsstand copies being distributed monthly, with
a four percent response requesting an annual subscription.
We are also working with a regular monthly renewal system rather than an
annual renewal to avoid any discouraging major drops in the mailing list.
The renewal response rate is climbing to a 60% high. Subscribers seem
to appreciate the more Biblically-oriented articles.
Church News: Festival attendance
been very encouraging so far this
five percent more than last year.
African holy day services and 307
and offerings in Southern Africa have
year. 1203 members took the Passover,
An average of 1,700 attended South
in Zimbabwe (+11%).
Finances: We are grateful to report that we are in the best financial
position the Work in Southern Africa has ever experienced. A two-year
period of rebuilding the finances has been successful because of renewed
dedication in the members through Mr. Armstrong's leadership and God
blessing His Work in many different ways. The year-to-date increase over
the period January-May 1979 is 22%.
Manpower moves: In the interest of God's Work and His churches, some man­
power changes have been made. Mr. Frank Nelte has been appointed pastor of
the Port Elizabeth/East London churches. He took up his responsibilities
on 1st June 1980. Mr. Nelte, his wife Kathy and their three children are
living in Port Elizabeth.
Mr. John White and his wife Gwen and two daughters have been moved from
the Port Elizabeth/East London area to pastor the Cape Town churches.
Mr. Dan Botha and his wife,Helen,and three children arrived in Johannes­
burg and will serve as assistant pastor in the Johannesburg church, which
now averages 500 in attendance. There is a need for him to share church
responsibilities in the largest congregation on the African continent.
The Work in Zimbabwe continues to thrive in the face of hardship due to
the seven years of hostilities. The PLAIN TRUTH mailing list has grown
from 7,400 to 10,600 (up 43%) in 12 months. Additionally, we have a news­
stand distribution of 1,000 per issue.
Our members during these years have benefited in that they were forced
by circumstances to seek protection in the two major cities, Salisbury
and Bulawayo. This engendered a togetherness and promoted a feeling of