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Mr. Rader then graduated from the University of Southern California
Law School with the highest grades on record. Yale Law School awarded him
a Sterling Fellowship and all doors in the legal profession were open to
him. But he was working more and more with us, and preferred to stay with
the Work of GOD.
Finally, now some years ago, we told Mr. Rader we would like to have
him devote his full time with us. This meant giving up a well-paying
C.P.A. business and an established law practice--he was a member of the
bar in California.
Neither Mr. Rader nor his family were then members of the Church. It
is understandable that Mr. Rader did not want to lower his family's living
standard. We agreed to pay him a salary equal to his income at the time.
It was the highest salary on our payroll--well above my own. I am re­
minded of a large milling company in Minneapolis which used to have a
slogan for its flour--"Costs more--worth it!" A Rolls Royce car costs
more than others--but will last 30 or 40 years--cheaper in the long run.
God says "the servant is worthy of his hire" (Luke 10:7). God would not
have had me pay him less than he was worth.
Mr. Rader's kind of specialized talent and ability, like a Rolls
Royce, may cost a little more--but is WORTH IT, and he should not be
underpaid. However, let me add here that both Mr. Rader and one of his
daughters now are baptized members of the Worldwide Church of God. And
the whole family is firmly loyal to the Church at heart.
Now, today, after all these many years, WHAT DO I HAVE--and WHAT
The government IRS has gone thoroughly and with a fine-tooth comb
over both our personal accounts, and absolved us completely of any of
these false allegations.
All I have in the world is my home in Tucson, Arizona, bought 3 1/2
years ago with a small down payment and a long-term loan with many years
yet to run before it is clear; the use of a three-year old car belonging
to the Church; and a checking account in the bank. My wife owns a car,
clothes and some jewelry bought for her with personal funds after taxes,
tithes and offerings. That's all!
Mr. Rader has a bank account about double mine, and his home in
Pasadena, and is buying an interest in a small horse ranch in Tucson.
His wife has some money in her own name, but it all came from her own
mother--not from the Church.
Jesus Christ suffered persecution--was finally put to death on
testimony of false witnesses. He said if they persecuted Him, they would
persecute those who followed HIS TEACHING AND WAYS.
For fifty-three years I have lived a life devoted to the principle
of G I V I N G!
But those who GET do love to accuse falsely and per­
secute those who GIVE! When we ALL turn to living the GIVING way, there
will be PEACE on this war-weary earth!