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G A V E this sinful self of mine to HIM. I received Him and His truth,
NOT to "GET" for myself, or to "GET" salvation and eternal life for my­
self--but rather, that I might G I V E this precious truth and understand
ing to the world--that I might SHARE it with thousands and millions of
I GAVE UP the bus:ines8 life and its rewards. Seven years later, in
poverty, I began GIVING the precious truth over radio.
I started in poverty--from nothing of this world's goods. It was a
work of FAITH from the start. I had one pair of shoes. They were
righteous--they had "holey soles." I had a suit of clothes for every
day in the week--and the one I was wearing was IT! I had no car.
And what did I preach? I preached Jesus Christ and HIS TRUTH--the
most DIFFICULT teaching and doctrine in all this world's "Christianity" ti
proclaim--the HARDEST for my hearers to accept.
Would anyone start out with the most hard-to-accept teaching to make
money? Does that make sense? It was a teaching and doctrinal TRUTH that
has brought continual opposition, accusation, persecution. It's no way t<
make money, let me tell you!
I devoted my life to GIVING. f1y family and I went HUNGRY--and I do
mean HUNGRY! That was part of the price paid for GIVING out of love for
others, in a world adjusted to "GETTING."
Yet the living Jesus Christ blessed this Work in marvelous ways.
Faith was rewarded. Prayers were answered--continually. The Work of the
living GOD prospered.
In 1947 I founded my first College--GOD'S college, that is! And on
sheer FAITH, with no income whatsoever that was not already appropriated
and obligated for radio time and operating expenses. By FAITH it survivec
I incorporated the Church and College on improper legal advice--or
should not be suffering this State versus Church lawsuit now. But I
thought the legal advice was good. It was that of a lawyer who had been
an attorney in the Internal Revenue Service of the government in Washing­
ton for some twelve years.
But I took pains to incorporate so that I,
personally, could never GET anything out of it, except for modest salary
earned. For this, I appointed this ex-government lawyer and two people
not related to me as a committee of three to set my salary. I did not
even set it myself.
This Work of God grew and expanded at a rate averaging 30% each year
over the year preceding for 35 years--probably a record of growth un­
matched. God allowed me to be responsible for handling many millions of
dollars of HIS money. It was handled honestly!
Along the line, now some 24 years ago, I came to know Mr. Stanley
Rader, a very brilliant young Certified Public Accountant. I employed
him to establish at our headquarters an accounting system that is puncture
proof. It would be IMPOSSIBLE for me, or any officer or employee, to get
away with anythi�g more than his honestly earned salary or compensation
for services.