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Herbert W. Armstrong
Page 5
The other day members of the Mail Processing Center in Pasadena
wrote me personal letters.
One, for example, had been writing letters
FOR me to those who had written to me, taking off of me for the past
twenty years the time-consuming job of giving personal answer to the
voluminous mail addressed to me--yet had never in all those twenty years
written a letter TO me! It was a letter of gratitude and THANKS for all
the truth and spiritual help I had given this writer.
Others were in a similar vein. They brought tears to my eyes. They
made me realize, as never before, how much I owe to HUNDREDS of you-­
ministers, wives, and other full-time assistants working WITH me in
getting God's job done.
It made me realize how much I owe to all you fine and dedicated
ministers and your wives for your dedication, loyalty, unfailing and un­
selfish service, ministering with me and for me to all the precious flock
our wonderful God has given us to shepherd and lead into His glorious
You are used, too, in bringing into the flock many new ones God is
calling and giving us to go with us into eternal life in His Kingdom.
Some of you also do evangelistic work in your area, sharing in proclaiming
the Gospel to your part of the world.
It is the highest mission there is.
really KN OW this!
Some day soon we shall come to
Johnny Carson may GET his millions per year entertaining people,
cracking jokes. Mike Wallace may GET his almost a million a year "expos­
ing" imaginary and imputed wrongdoing of his selected victims, "exposing"
them before national television's greatest audience. Oil multi-million­
aires may rake in their immense and fabulous fortunes. They are all
among the SUCCESSFUL in this world's GETTING competition.
But you and I are the unsung, the falsely accused and the persecuted
of this world who are patiently and persistently GIVING the precious and
wonderful things of GOD to those who shall live with us forever, long
after the "successful" of this world have rotted with their accusations
--unless, hopefully, they may yet be saved in the Judgment of the Great
White Throne. Or, maybe, some of them may be brought in with us along
with that great innumerable multitude of all nations revealed in advance
in the seventh chapter of Revelation. Just MAYBE we may yet be privileged
to serve and minister to some of them when they become poor in this
world's goods and rich as we are in GOD'S ETERNAL AND MATCHLESS BLESSINGS!
I THANK GOD for all of you, and pray earnestly for you every day.
I don't get to tell YOU how I love you and how I feel about you and
appreciate and thank GOD for you too often, but I do tell God about it
EVERY DAY OR EVERY NIGHT! I pray continually for you and those you