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But one who is more or less constantly contentious, in a rotten
spirit and attitude, unwilling continually to be cooperative and
reasonable, you might as well write off and get rid of.
Even one who has God's Holy Spirit and is trying to grow in grace
and in God's Spirit, may have lapses of temporary carnality--a flaring up
of a wrong attitude--and then, soon afterward, come to his senses and
repent of the momentary carnal lapse.
The local pastor must bear in mind that different people have varying
degrees of the carnal attitude and nature of Satan, and varying degrees of
the fullness of the Holy Spirit. And the pastor must learn to handle them
accordingly--to wisely discern the REAL nature and attitude of a member
who becomes a problem.
I remember a "pentecostal" woman who started attending at Eugene. I
had not baptized her--she was not one of my converts, but started attend­
ing--professing to be a real "born again" Christian. She was a "holier­
than-thou." But her attitude was hostile to God's truth which I was
preaching. She, like all such troublemakers, had an uncanny knack of
discerning who of our congregation were the weakest spiritually. She
would sit next to such a person. Continually, as I preached, she would
whisper in the ear of the weak one, disputing and disagreeing with what
I was preaching.
About the second Sabbath this went on, I stopped the
sermon, and spoke directly to this self-righteous, contentious woman.
"If you would stop whispering in the ear of the one sitting next to
you, contradicting what I am saying, and pay attention yourself to what
I am saying, you might learn some TRUTH," I said. "But if you continue
this whispering another time, I shall call the deacons to escort you out
of the church! "
After the service I dealt with her privately, and she discontinued
I had many experiences during those years when I was pastoring a
local church. Anyway, it occurred to me this morning that some of these
thoughts might be helpful to you ministers. Do not think I do not realize
and sympathize with your local problems. I have experienced such pro­
blems myself.
And all the more, because I have, I do from the bottom of my heart
APPRECIATE the good work you men and your wives are doing all over the
world in our local churches. Your local flocks are YOUR CHILDREN IN THE
LORD, and you are trying to coach and help them to grow spiritually so
they may have a place with us in THE KINGDOM OF GOD!
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