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in that area of the world. Initially, a minister will probably be sta­
tioned in Singapore to pastor the local church there and the church in
Kuala Lumpur. We are hopeful that this can be accomplished by beginning
to conduct Bible studies again on a regular basis in Ipoh, Taiping, and
Kota Bharu in West Malaysia.
Likewise Sabah and Sarawak in East Malaysia
would receive attention, as well as Indonesia and Thailand.
"The New Zealand office reports that mail from the Pacific Islands this
year is shattering all previous records. Over 6,800 pieces have come in
from the Islands so far this year, 140% up on the same period in 1979.
Responses are now coming in to some ads we placed in selected newspapers
in Western Samoa, Cook Islands, New Hebrides, New Caledonia and Tahiti.
Some of these areas are French speaking, so we used French language ads
offering La Pure Verite, and these are bringing in a fine response.
"Things are happening in the tiny island Kingdom of Tonga. Recently the
P.T. mailing list there was quadrupled by a promotion to all the post
office boxes in Nuku'alofa. Over the last few months we've begun a small
newsstand program in Tonga, and beginning with the June P.T. Morris
Hedstorn Ltd., the leading department store chain in the Pacific Islands,
has agreed to display 300 copies each month on their newsstands. Attend­
ance in Tonga for Pentecost was their highest church attendance figure
ever, and the offering more than doubled that of last year."
Corrunents From Monthly Church Reports
LAKE CHARLES, LA--DENNIS DOUCET: We deeply appreciate Mr. Burk McNair's
visit this month. Our people appreciate Mr. Armstrong's Bible study tapes
--please keep them coming. The majority of our members are alert and
aware of events worldwide and nationally. They are also keeping up with
the situation of State vs Church. Mr. Helge's explanation on hotline was
a great help. Encourage him to continue to do this as events warrant.
FORT WORTH, TX--BOB SMITH: The State vs Church battle is finally being
recognized as a real threat to the Church of God--as well as to religious
freedom generally. The Channel 13 retraction--and its portent--combined
with Ralph Helge's hotline tape and comments via the Pastor General's
Report have generated a "stirring up" and soberness which might not have
been otherwise produced so dramatically.
MEDFORD, OR--FRED DAVIS: Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for the strongly
worded employment agreement! Also, for clearing the air regarding the
meaning of the word "porneia" !
ROSEBURG, OR--GREG JOHNSON: Church attendance is continuing to climb; the
brethren are getting more involved in Church programs; overall a very
positive attitude prevails; a number of the local family problems are
beginning to stabilize. My wife and I deeply appreciate the opportunity
to serve in this area--we are very much enjoying these two churches and
serving the people. Thanks again for the opportunity.
BIG SANDY, TX--DON WARD: Record Holy Day offering for Big Sandy--average
per person offering of $25.98, a 52% increase, with a 72% increase in
total offerings over last year. I believe this reflects the general
spirit and attitude of the Big Sandy and Tyler brethren in their support
of God's Work and Mr. Armstrong's leadership. The checks are made out to