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the presidency of the United States, with little incompetent men vying for
the coveted prize. There will be no more coveting, nor lying, nor mur­
ders, nor broken homes and families. There shall be PEACE, HAPPINESS,
JOY, all living the way of "GIVE" which is outflowing LOVE!
International News for May Is Amazing!
In Australia, mail received, income, literature mailed out and church
attendance all smashed previous records. In New Zealand, mail received
was one of highest totals ever (up 61% over May 1979), and income was the
second highest monthly total on record. In the Netherlands, incoming mail
for May was up 298% over the same month in 1979, and income was up 61%.
In Germany, the largest number of new subscribers in any given month since
the German office was opened in April, 1961, was added to the list. Credit
for most of these subscribers goes to the new "KLAR & WAHR" flyer, which
appeared in ''DIE WELT" newspaper on May 6th, bringing 4400 responses.
were also placed in the weekly magazine "DER SPIEGEL" and two weekly Swiss
Following is the report,from the Australian office:
"Plain Truth Promotions: We are continuing to vigorously promote The
PLAIN TRUTH magazine. In May we added almost 7,000 new subscribers to the
mailing list. We are now approaching the 100,000 mark--the highest num­
ber of Australian subscribers ever on record.
"New subscribers are being added to the list as a result of the following
promotions: 1) householder cards, 2) newspaper inserts, 3) ads in
national magazines, and 4) ads in leading Australian newspapers.
"We are most grateful for the excellent work by our members in placing
PLAIN TRUTH householder cards in letter boxes throughout Australia. As
a result of their efforts so far this year, over 15,000 new subscribers
have been added to the mailing list.
"Because of the consistent response to the householder card promotion we
have gone ahead with the printing of an additional one and a quarter mil­
lion cards. These will be distributed by our members and, in selected
areas, bulk mailings through the post office.
"Mr. Dean Wilson, Regional Director for Australia and Asia, and Mr. Chris
Hunting, Coordinator for Asia, flew to Singapore and Malaysia for Pente­
cost services. In addition to being in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore for
services on the Feast of Pentecost and the previous Sabbath, they were on
a fact-finding mission concerning the possible establishment of an office