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of God's Church, but apparently hate everything it stands for with
a white-hot passion. I'm glad you spelled out in no uncertain terms
what the Bible says about the matter. We're without excuse if we
continue to "fellowship" with these unbelievers.
--Mark M. (Pocatello, ID)
I was saddened as I carefully read your article, "God Commands That
We Avoid Certain Ones!" in the February 25 WORLDWIDE NEWS, and pon­
dered the departure of many fine members, whose action continues to
dumbfound me! We can never afford to underestimate the power of
--Keith C. (St. Joseph, MO)
Your front page article, "God Commands That We Avoid Certain Ones!"
is very timely and we hope it will be very effective. For some time
my wife and I have been concerned about the fact that some of our
brethren and friends have been seeing or listening to not only dis­
fellowshiped ministers and brethren, but also to ministers of other
religions. Thank you for adding more authority to this critical
problem's solution.
--Mr. & Mrs. John C. (Inglewood, CA)
Puzzled Over Free Literature
I've not been able to convince my neighbors here that I receive The
PLAIN TRUTH and any booklet I order free of charge. They feel certain
that sooner or later I'll be sent a bill. I've been reading The
PLAIN TRUTH and other booklets for over a year and have yet to re­
ceive a bill, but I do receive offers of new booklets as they become
--Edward H. (Akron, OH)
I have been receiving literature from you on a regular basis for 17
years and you have never asked for any money for anything that you
have sent me. I don't think any other organization can make this
--Melvin J. (Goodlettsville, TN)
I have played the piano and organ for over 25 years at my church, a
Reorganized Latter-Day Saints Church I joined in 1912. For 68 years
have been a member but pay $12.00 for the church newspaper and read
The PLAIN TRUTH free. I can't bring myself to change [churches] but
wonder at your generosity and feel ashamed I can't pay you for The
PLAIN TRUTH. I read every word you print and wonder that you are so
helpful. I would truly miss The PLAIN TRUTH and your literature. I
do admire you and hope you never forget me. I sure think your fruits
are wonderful. I'm trying to figure it out.
--Mrs. F.V. (Coral, MI)
Recently my grandmother had written to another well-known radio
preacher. I noticed his stress on soliciting for donations... I'm
simply asking how you keep your ministry going. You have nothing to
sell, only give. You don't ask for support but you surely must need
it. You rely on faith to keep your ministry going. Freely giving
to the public messages that are priceless and can't be paid for.
--Gregory T. (Bay Shore, NY)