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My name is Pvt. Kirby Cole--I am in the U.S. Army. Right now I
am stationed at Fort Jackson, S.C. In a couple of weeks I will move
somewhere else. The reason I am writing is I want to send in my
tithes. My mother said for us kids to always pay our tithes, whether
we paid anything else. So here is mine.
--Kirby Cole (Fort Jackson, SC)
I sent you a check for $15 on 8-7-79. I had only $100, and my bills
exceeded that figure very much. Well, two days after I sent you the
check, my phone rang three times that day and all of those phone
calls were concerning people who wanted me to fix their roofs. I
did do all three jobs and got paid. I know now that this was a very
important message and lesson to me personally.
I do intend to send you and the Church money on a regular basis. I
don't know for sure in my own mind if the reason that I am sending
you the money is out of greed or lust for more money on my part. I
think that it is because I do want to do right by sending the money
for the gospel. You have to understand that I am not a true Chris­
tian, but I do want so very much to be.
--Lewis A. (Chicago, IL)
Readers Applaud the GOOD NEWS
I would like to express myself about the spiritual food dished out
in the most recent issues of The GOOD NEWS. I feel that I have
received so much instruction, inspiration and hope from the most
recent publications...that it must be preparatory to some very
great happenings soon to occur.
--Tony M. (Albertville, AL)
We especailly want to say ''thank you" to God and to you because He
has inspired the motivating articles in The GOOD NEWS. Each article
seems to add to the next and all of them are not only inspiring, but
are moving us to really examine and clean our lives up.
--Harry G. (Wichita, KS)
I received my latest issue of The GOOD NEWS last week. I was very
happy for the articles on overcoming because I was in great need of
some help in that area. Sometimes, the pressures of Satan and this
world begin to be a little more than I can bear. Then God always
helps by providing the answers through sermons at church or through
the church literature.
--Donna G. (Lower Salem, OH)
gatherings of world leaders in recent memory, one notable figure was
conspicuous by his absence: President Jimmy Carter. The United States
was represented at the funeral of Yugoslavia's late President Tito by
Vice-President Walter F. Mondale--accompanied by "Mizz Lillian," the
President's venerable and outspoken mother.