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Due to my health I had to give up the best job I have had in my
life. What I noticed was after so many years of sending tithes
I was being bothered more and more because with no work there were
no tithes to send in. This week it really came home to me just how
much I had been bothered and how much it really meant to me. I had
a garage sale and cleared over $200. The thrill of having some
tithes to send in is far greater than I dreamed.
--Elbert M. (Belen, NM)
Enclosed is three weeks tithe. I had neglected tithing for awhile
because we were having trouble paying our bills. But instead of the
situation getting better, it just got worse. I've learned my lesson
like so many others have before me.
--Member (Fresno, CA)
My husband is not working at this time, but I still want to send you
my tithe. Since I started tithing several years ago, we've had our
ups and downs, but God has always provided us with food, clothing,
and we have managed to pay our bills somehow. So I do believe in
tithing. I hope it will help in some way.
--Janice S. (Havana, IL)
I thought of something I wanted to comment on as I was writing out
my first-tithe check the other day.
There hasn't been a month in a long time that I have taken my pay­
check, added up all my bills and had the bills come out less than the
paycheck. I have never worried about it, though. I try very hard
not to live outside my means; I don't charge anything; and God's
tithes always come right off the top--first thing.
It doesn't work out on paper, but I always come out with just enough
to cover everything! Gratefully giving God the small tenth He asks
of us sure is a blessing!
--Sharla S. (Choctaw, OK)
Last week my husband and I went to our accountant to have our taxes
figured. Our total federal return will come out exactly twice the
amount of my first tithe. My husband, a non-member, was speechless.
We'll be incorporating this year and he said, "Can corporations
--Member (Nenana, AK)
Sir, I wish to inform you that my wife and I are 100% disabled--the
both of us. The only income we have is an income from the Veteran's
Administration plus a small check from the Social Security--this
is all we have as an income. But, Sir, that does not keep us from
tithing to God's Church and never will. As long as we have a dime,
God will have one cent of it. This is the only way we can see it
clear as it is in the scriptures, so if we are going to be a child
of God, this is the only way.
--H.K. (Lakeland, FL)