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Mr. Estinvil is searching daily to find a house suitable for the Church's
needs. It is nearly impossible to locate one because of the urban influx
and the affluence of the foreigners.
The price for a house in a reasonable
state of repair is more than we can afford in Haiti.
Please remember to continually pray for the Work worldwide and for the
special needs of our brethren in Haiti, Cameroon and Martinique where the
brethren are directly affected by the economic condition of their coun­
tries. Pray that God will open up doors fer us and continue protecting
and blessing our brethren there.
The French-speaking work is facing a shortage of manpower in Europe and in
the office in Pasadena. Your prayers for laborers who will be able to do
the job will be greatly appreciated!
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Our Machine Maintenance Department in conjunction with the Fixed Assets
Department has been working on updating the records as to the current
location of all College/Church owned business machines. In order to
complete our annual inventory in the shortest time possible and to assure
accuracy, we are asking that you take a few minutes to jot down two num­
bers and the type of machine and model (ie. IBM-Selectric, or Smith
Corona-Portable). The information is needed whether or not the machine
is in good working order, and issued to you personally.
(ie. the previous
supervisor [Pastor] may have left his with you, which is fine, but we'll
need the information from you anyway.) The two numbers needed are the AC
tag number (a five-digit number on a metal tag) and the Machine Mainte­
nance number (a three-digit number on a colored plastic [dymo] tape.) You
can find the numbers either under the carriage on the left, under the
cover, or under the machine.
It is important that we get the information as soon as possible because
we are also working on a plan for the maintenance of the field ministry's
typewriters. Below is a sample of the form you can use to fill out the
needed information.
(If you own a typewriter or business machine that is
not College or Church owned but would like to have it serviced if the plan
is implemented, please inform us of machine make and model.)
Editor's Note: The "Your Opinion" column appears from time to time in the
Pasadena Star-News. Recently the column contained a letter from David
Hunsberger, a Senior Correspondent in the Church's Personal Correspondence
Department. Mr. Hunsberger, who has served God's Work very ably for many
years, was moved to speak out on a timely topic.
By way of a little background: State Senator H. L. Richardson founded a
Law and Order Campaign Committee which has taken upon itself to evaluate