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Third, some subscription agencies, who distribute English publica­
tions throughout Europe, will insert a leaflet in the publications
they handle for a ·set charge per P.T. subscriber gained. This has
proved quite cost effective to the small degree we have used it in
the past. And we are now in the process of contacting additional
subscription agencies.
Exhibition Series in Full Swing: An encouraging trend has emerged from
the exhibitions being held in various areas of the country. One local
minister in particular could not get over the number of people coming up
to him at the stand, who would say something like, "Oh yes, I remember
the Plain Truth. I used to pick it up from the local newsagent. But what­
ever happened to it?" The fact that the newsstand program over here did
bear fruit when it was in full swing is becoming increasingly evident from
the comments of people who talk to the stand personnel.
Overall interest shown is also reflected by the quantity of introductory
magazines and leaflets being picked up this year. At several sites the
demand has already outstripped supply, and the stand has simply run out!
Six separate sites have been selected for the month of April, and so far
interest appears keen at each one.
Income Still Holding Up Well: Year-to-date figures are still very good,
with an overall 35% increase in income.
Following hard on the heels of two record-breaking months, March produced
the third highest monthly total ever in the history of the British Work.
The only months to beat it were January and February! And according to
the Accounts Department, this overall trend seems to be continuing into
April as well.
News From the French-Speaking Areas
CAMEROON: So far Mr. Ray Clore, our local elder in Yaounde, has baptized
five persons since arriving in Cameroon. There are presently ten prospec­
tive members. We are still not recognized officially in this country.
The growth of our members can be and is affected by this situation.
FRANCE: Church attendance in Paris is growing. 166 took the Passover and
268 were present for the first Day of Unleavened Bread. Follow-up Bible
Studies conducted by Mr. Sam Kneller, after Mr. Apartian's recent public
Bible lectures there, have brought 32 and30 new people respectively.
During the month of February, Mr. Carion held three Bible Studies in Lille.
Fourteen new persons attended the first night, 23 the second, and 29 on
the last night. During the inauguration of the Church in Liege, February
2, 21 new persons attended besides the persons who regularly attend.
HAITI: We have to move from our church. location in Haiti. The landlord
practically doubled the rent. As of now the brethren do not have a loca­
tion to meet in. However, temporarily, Bible studies and Sabbath services
are being held in the photo studio of Mr. Lionel Estinvil, our ministerial
assistant there.
Furthermore, Mr. Estinvil has had to store all church property in his
studio. Members will personally distribute the March, April and May "Pure
Verite" in Port-au-Prince and the provinces until a more suitable and
effective alternative solution is found.