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WATS Calls On the Increase
Phone calls to the toll-free WATS number are showing a significant in­
crease in three main areas:
1. During January to March 1980, we received 8,612 calls in
response to the telecast.
This is a 16% increase over
the same period last year.
There were also 17,256 requests for literature via the WATS
line in January to March 1980.
This is a 17% increase over
the same period in 1979.
The total number of completed calls received January through
March 1980 was 35,710--a 13% increase over the first three
months in 1979.
Personal Correspondence Activity Up
The PC area of Mail Processing was established by Mr. Armstrong many
years ago to provide short, personal answers to readers' questions--and
to direct special letters out to the local ministry.
In comparing January
through March 1980 figures with those of 1979, we see increases in each
main category:
Letters forwarded to the ministry for baptism,
visit requests, etc.
. . . • . . .
Prayer and encouragement letters . .
Other letters and memos written.
Positive Comments About the Ministry Increasing
. .Up 24%
. . . . .Up 24%
.Up 29%
There is a definite increase in the number of letters we are receiving
from members regarding the fine examples of their local ministers.
brethren are v��y much inspired by the quality of sermons and Bible studie
they are getting.
The trend from overall mail responses seems to be a
bright and clear upturn for the Church in almost every category.
We thought you would enjoy hearing about these positive signs of growth
in God's Work over the past several months.
We here in Mail Processing
are certainly inspired and encouraged.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Newsstand response in the U.S. during March reached its highest point in
a year with nearly 13,000 new subscribers added to the Plain Truth list.
This is certainly encouraging to all involved in the newsstand program as
we search for ways to increase response without increasing our expendi­
TV, Radio and other circulation sources are also contributing to
the fairly high number of new subscribers being added to the Plain Truth
--Publishing Services