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If you ministers have any very good prospective students who are really
keen to enroll in Ambassador for the coming college year, then call us
or in some way let us know that you have a super-excellent applicant
which you strongly urge us to accept for the coming year. Otherwise
the student will probably not be admitted. All others should be en­
couraged to apply for the 1981-82 college year.
The students appreciate the new direction of the college which Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong and those of us who are assisting him have main­
tained. And, as a result, God has blessed us with a very good college
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
With graduation approaching shortly, many
A.C. graduates will soon be job hunting.
If any of you ministers are aware of any
job openings or attractive employment
opportunities in your area, we would be
happy to pass these on to our seniors.
Just drop us a line at Career Services
c/o Ambassador College or call us on the
WATS line (Phone ext. 5591). Your help
would be much appreciated!
--Dave Albert, Director of Career Services
In this update, we would like to relate to you a number of the POSITIVE
indicators that we see in Mail Processing which show that Mr. Herbert
Armstrong's inspired efforts to put the Work "back on track" are bearing
very good fruit!
The Mail Is Up
1979 was the first year since 1973 that the yearly mail count has been
� from the year before! The amount of increase of 1979 mail over 1978
mail was not that large (about two percent)--but we view it as a very
positive sign for the future. And, 1980 appears to be following this
upward trend. Comparing the first three months of 1980 to those of 1979,
the mail is up about nine percent.
More Literature Going Out
In spite of the receivership disruption during 1979, there was almost a
five percent increase in the amount of literature which was sent out, as
compared to 1978. Over 2,723,000 booklets, articles, and correspondence
course lessons were mailed out to readers during 1979. (These figures
do not include issues of The PLAIN TRUTH, GOOD NEWS, or Worldwide News).