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were non-members. This lecture was also followed up with a Bible seminar
the following day; of the 44 persons in attendance, eight were new people.
Plain Truth: In February, 777 requests were received for new PT sub­
subscriptions. This brought the number of year-to-date requests to 2080.
Circulation total is now 31,300--down from the previous total of 41,050.
Consequently, a campaign will be launched to step up PT circulation through
PT color brochures which will be inserted in newspapers and magazines. An
initial number of 10,000 brochures will be distributed in different out­
lets throughout the country.
Another 10,000 copies are distributed via newsstand outlets in Manila,
Cebu, Davao, and Zamboanga. Year-to-date total of PT requests from news­
stands now total 407.
Finances: First account year-to-date income at the end of February stood
at a 39% increase over the same period last year.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Preparations are well underway for the 1980 Feast of Tabernacles. We
hope that the Festival information printed in the Worldwide News will
serve as a useful tool for the brethren in your area in their Festival
preparations. We realize there will be problems in the first year of
"own arrangements-." We will try to assist you in any way we can to work
through them.
One area which must be clarified regards transfers. Brethren are begin­
ning to make housing reservations (either on their own, or through the
convention bureau) in their transfer request site before they have been
approved! This causes complications in two ways:
1. Regularly assigned brethren may have more difficulty in locating
housing (especially in the smaller sites such as Vail, Colorado).
2. The transfer requestor may be inconvenienced by having to cancel
his reservations and perhaps forfeit deposit money if and when
his transfer request has to be denied.
We will be trying to approve all transfer requests! However, we do have
to work within the housing and seating capacities of each Festival site.
An additional factor is that we must wait to see how many brethren will
be staying in their assigned sites before we know how many transfers can
be accepted.
So, we are requesting that all those wishing to transfer please wait for
approval before making their housing reservations. We thank you for your
patience and your cooperation!
Our Apologies
When we sent the Festival Advisor Information Packets to each church
pastor, we forgot to include an explanation of what it was and who it was
for. Please forgive us if you were inconvenienced by this error!