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People are becoming increasingly aware that "something is happening" in
world events. Mr. Apartian was able to capitalize on this in the inter­
view in Switzerland for the T.V. program "L'Antenne est a Vous" (The
Antenna is Yours), when he answered questions that covered the return of
Christ, the gospel message and Mr. Armstrong's visits to world leaders.
(In strongly Roman Catholic France, a survey showed 50% of those inter-
viewed were not sure that Christ actually existed, and 60% of the re­
mainder were not sure he would return).
Mr. Apartian reported that all our churches in Europe are doing well, and
the most urgent needs were ministerial manpower and availability of fi­
nances to advertise extensively.
Continued Growth In Canadian Work
The turnaround in the Canadian Work continues to be evident. March has
been a month of consolidating the gains of the first two months of the
year. Responses still continue to come in heavily to the various media
campaigns along with a significant number of requests for basic doctrinal
booklets on baptism and prophecy.
Church attendance figures are up and an increase in the number of requests
for visits and information regarding location of church services has also
become pronounced.
Income for the month showed a healthy 17% above last March despite a
current inflation rate of around 10% (small in the eyes of many nations).
New Television Buys: In an effort to improve the media coverage in
Canada, 52-week contracts were recently signed with 13 T.V. stations for
airing of The World Tomorrow T.V. program. Coinciding with Mr. Arm­
strong's announcement of regular new programing, we feel confident about
this renewed thrust into electronic media. The T.V. broadcast should
begin in the following areas April 19th/20th: Vancouver; Victoria; Prince
George; Lloydrninster; Red Deer; Medicine Hat; Yorkton; Brandon; Sudbury;
Timmins; North Bay; Pembroke; Barrie; Thunder Bay; Halifax; St. John's,
Newfoundland; St. John, New Brunswick; Moncton; and Fredericton.
Ad Campaign Results: The PLAIN TRUTH file has doubled in the past two
months with the addition of a little over 70,000 new subscribers. The
file for La PURE VERITE is on its way to doubling also. New subscriptions
as a result of the French newspaper flyer campaign are in excess of 20,000.
French and English subscriptions now total close to 190,000.
Various programs are ongoing (e.g. the newsstand program, currently
yielding nine times the normal rate of subscription requests) and others
are in the well-advanced planning stages. Hopefully, the momentum
already created will be sustained with God's blessing.
Work In the Philippines Marches On
Plain Truth Lectures: Mr. Colin Adair conducted two Plain Truth Lectures
this February. The first was held in Naga City about 440 km south of
Manila on February 2nd. Total attendance was 136--78 were non-members
and 58 were members. This lecture was followed up with a Bible seminar
the following day and 67 persons were present, 20 of whom were non-members.
The second lecture was held last February 16, in the evening, in Tacloban
City some 650 km south of Manila. Total attendance was 52--28 of whom