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My name is Joey Lopez.
way you preach. I'm in
have heard the tape you
I am in the Long Island church. I like the
fourth grade. The Church is a big one. I
have sended to us. I sometimes watch THE
How was the Church started? I have been in the Church for six years.
It is nice to be with the Church. I have for got to tell you where
I live. I live on Long Island when me ru�d my family went to the
feast we have seen the things you have did. I like the church alot.
--Joey Lopez (Riverhead, NY)
We are glad to hear that you are back from China. We were happy to
hear your tape. We pray that God protects you.
I learned how to tie my shoes yesterday.
I am almost five years old.
I hope your eyes are getting better. We have some toy monkies. I
like them.
--Tanya Lorraine Thomas (Grand Junction, MN)
Response to Reprint Series Articles
I especially look forward to and enjoy reading each new reprint
series offered. In each series I can read several articles dealing
with biblical topics from the different vantage points brought out
in each set.
--Steve Baranaskas (Cherry Point, NC)
Your [reprint series] articles have enriched my life and also the
family. They have given me new outlooks on Bible truths. I am
slowly agreeing with Mr. Armstrong on many things that I would have
not considered as truth before.
--M. H. Sherwood (Hereford, AZ)
I think you're doing a great job in this reprint series. Sometimes
one misses an article and this way we don't lose out!
--Arnold Jeske (Abrams, WI)
I feel the reprint series is a good idea. It allows relatively new
co-workers, subscribers or members the opportunity to get articles
(of their interest) which they missed. Also it gives a consolida­
tion of articles on specific subjects. Sometimes it is beneficial
to have several articles together for more comprehensive reading.
--Tom Gerald (St. Matthew, SC)