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I really appreciate what this Work is accomplishing and I am
strongly behind it. Ambassador College has been the great-.est thing
that has happened in my life and I hope it will continue for many
other young people.
--Greg Williams (Pasadena, CA)
We are grateful to be given the opportunity to be in Pasadena and
to be able to attend Ambassador College. I thank you for having
stuck through all the trials you have had to go through to keep this
college accredited by the true God of the universe.
The experience of living through A.C. is scintillating. We are
taught the way to live by dedicated teachers who are on the "right
--Mr. & Mrs. Rejean Vautour (Pasadena, CA)
I have been very blessed to attend God's college, Ambassador College,
and I am enjoying it tremendously. It is giving me an opportunity
to grow spiritually closer to God. I want to "devour" every bit of
knowledge that I possibly can. Women's Club is going to help me and
teach me to become a Christian woman.
I am so thankful for being called into the,Church. It has helped me
as well as many others to learn to live the "good life" and reap
the benefits. I have been in the Church six years and in one month
at college I have learned almost as much,and in some areas more,than
I did in six years.
--Maria Kosion (Pasadena, CA)
Letters to Mr. Armstrong From Young Supporters
I hope to meet you sometime, I know I will. I am in 4th grade, I am
9 years old I like school. Math is my favorite subject. I like to
read. I am reading the Bible. I am in Numbers. Almost in Deut­
eronomy. I like the sabbath. I like to rest. I hope the Chinese
believe the truth you told them. I would like to get THE EARLY
YEARS. I live in Coon Rapids, Minnesota. I will read the book.
--Russell Robbi Elurum (Coon Rapids, MN)
My name is Francee Hart. I'm 12 years old and live in the City of
Champions, Pittsburge. I have one brother and my Parents. I have
a do named Missy and a cat named Thunder. I just wanted to tell
you a little about me because I know so much about you. I'm so
glad your God's Apostle and that God opened my parents minds leading
them in the right path to God's Kingdom.
Before I close now I almost forgot to mention that in
GOOD NEWS I was overjoyed when I read your article on a "Timeless
Message to Teenagers."
--Francee Hart (City of Champions, PA)
I have been praying for you and Mr. Raider. My classmates have been
teasing me about Christmas, but I will always obey God's ruls. And
I'll stay in God's Church as long as I live! I am in the 4th grade.
Mr. Lohr is our minister. His two girls and I go to the same school
--Heidi Topash (Lutz, PA)