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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 15, 1980
Page 9
I asked you for an anointed cloth and prayed for her. Well, we have
had her home four weeks today."
--Arthur Lutz (Newfoundland, PA)
Church Supported in No Uncertain Terms!
At this time, I can only convey to you my intense outrage and indigna­
tion at the mere suggestion that you or any other Church leader would
be held in contempt of court and carted off to j 1. I am infuri­
ated by even the hint of such an audacious expression of contempt
for God and His Apostle and Church. Therefore, I want you and all
concerned to know that
intend to do all that
can to support you
and the Church in this time of war. I will not desert.
--William Walker (University, MS)
There are some interesting parallels in the Old Testament in I
Samuel 4 through 7, where the Philistines captured the Ark. They
kept the Ark seven months. The receiver had control seven weeks.
But, the Philistines continued to oppress Israel for 20 years
until Israel finally put away their other gods and sought the Lord
only. Then, God gave them a great victory. Isn't our best defense
against the California Attorney General to put away----«"other gods" and
seek the Lord only?
--Tom and Carol Wise (Denver, CO)
About the court case...I think one of the ladies in the Church at
Montgomery (Mrs. Minnie Hopkins) summed up the way the majority of
the Church feel. She said,
If they put any of our Church brethren
in jail, I am just going to get me a bus ticket and go out there and
go to jail with them."
--Mrs. Cecil Walters (Camp Hill, AL)
The enclosed money is my tithe to the Worldwide Church of God to be
used in any manner they feel that it is needed. I pay taxes to the
State and no governor has ever notified me as. to how it was spent.
I pay tithes to the Church and ask not how it is spent. The taxes
I must pay by man's law. Why should I not tithe and obey God's law?
--Mrs. A. M. Peel, Sr. (Jessup, GA)
Telecast Reaches Out With Gospel Message
My family enjoys your television program on channel 5 every Sunday
morning very much. We find that the programs give more and more
answers to questions we have regarding the Bible which other religions
and religious leaders do not answer for us. We have followed, and
will continue to follow, the Church, through the TV programs and
--James Fincher {Arlington, VA)
The p'
rogram this morning over KTVU Oakland, CA was one of the best I
have watched and listened to. It was very explanatory to people, if
they were watching, to know what the Worldwide Church of God is all
--Elizabeth Myers (Oakland, CA)