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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 15, 1980
Page 8
This week's mail comments include several miraculous healings, support of
the Church regarding the current legal battle, and encouraging notes from
viewers of The WORLD TOMORROW telecast.
Examples of God's Healing Power
I was tried all summer. The trouble seemed to be in my bowels. I
went to the doctor and immediately he put me in the hospital. I was
there for two days for tests. They definitely found something and
told my husband but wouldn't tell me. They sent me home and I was
to drink or eat nothing but clear liquids for three days.
In the meantime, I went to Sabbath services and was anointed by our
minister. I wasn't sure for what. So I asked God to take away the
evil thing in my bowels.
After three days of clear liquids, I was back in the hospital for
who knows what? They ran twenty-five or more tests and x-rays on
me. Finally the doctor said, "We can't find the malignant tumor that
was there before." I saw such a look of relief on my husband's face.
When I left the hospital, I felt I had wings on my feet.
--Mrs. Joyce Marshall (Ashcamp, KY)
A member from Gadsden, Alabama had dropped a .357 magnum revolver and
it went off when it hit the ground. The bullet traveled up through
his leg and into his vital organs. Mr. Winner (minister) anointed
him at the hospital when he arrived and before the member was examined
by doctors.
The hole where the bullet entered could be seen. The member
apparently felt it go up into his organs. But, when the doctors
came to examine him, no trace of the bullet could be found and no
apparent damage. Yet, apart from passing a little blood in the urine,
the member felt fine and left the hospital the next day. No sign of
the exit of the bullet was found. It had apparently "disappeared."
--Ian Willis (Pasadena,CA)
Our little girl fell off a horse and hit her head, receiving a
severe brain concussion. We rushed her to the hospital. With her
was her regular doctor, a brain specialist and a couple of other
doctors. She had some very severe convulsions. They did all they
could do for her. We asked the minister of God's Church to anoint
her, even though the doctors said she might die or live to be a
vegetable. She had one chance in a million of being a normal child
with no brain damage.
After being anointed, our little girl came through knowing everything.
She had a complete miracle. The doctors all said it was a divine
healing, a real miracle.
--Mrs. Merrit Bowman (Cumberland, MD)
I wrote you about my wife's having a stroke on August 2nd. She was
in the hospital 115 days and they said I would not take her out alive.