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Mr. Rader told a group of twelve guests about the Foundation's activities
around the world with special emphasis on the recent contacts in China.
He also made it clear that the Foundation's many projects and activities
around the world were based on the principle of "giving" rather than
"getting." "We are not trying to convert anyone, but man's government is
destined to fail," he declared, "and only the establishment of the Kingdom
of God will solve mankind's problems." This, he stated, was the message
we are taking to the world. However, we were not sitting on the sidelines
rooting for the destruction of society but want to help wherever possible,
by building bridges and developing mutual understanding among nations.
Much interest was shown in his commertts and a lively question and answer
session followed his remarks.
Quest/BO magazine was also introduced to the group, who received it with
enthusiasm, especially for its positive editorial stance.
Among the guests were Lord Greenhill, a former head of the British Foreign
Office, Lord Mancroft, an influential member of the House of Lords, Mr.
Patrick Cosgrave, formerly personal adviser to Mrs. Thatcher, and Sir
Bernard Braine, one of the most respected Members of the House of Commons,
together with other noted journalists and authors. Also present was Mr.
Kubayashi, First Secretary of the Japanese Embassy in London. The Founda­
tion was also rer;,resented by Mr. Frank Brown, Regional Director and Mr.
Francis Bergin, Business Manager.
Mr. Rader also mentioned in his remarks that the Foundation would be under­
taking a joint project on drug abuse and alcoholism, both of which are
growing problems in the United Kingdom and Europe. Sir Bernard Braine is
the Chairman of the House Committee on Alcoholism and the Foundation will
be working very closely with him and his staff in the preparation of educa­
tional material to help combat these increasing problems.
Due to the success of this first dinner of its kind over here in Britain,
other similar meetings are currently being planned for this Spring. Mr.
Rader is planning to write a fuller report of his own impressions of the
dinner, which will be published in the Worldwide News at a later date.
On Thursday morning, January 24, two managers of the Arthur Andersen audit­
ing staff who have supervised the audit since last March, presented a
"Chalk Talk" on their firm and its relationship to the Church.
Emphasis of the discussion was on Arthur Andersen & Co.--what their job is,
how they're organized, how they help the Church, etc.--all with the intent
to more properly orient the Work's department managers and assistants to
the functional role that our auditors play. A question and answer session
followed the introduction to the firm.
Of particular importance was a statement that no evidence was found to
substantiate the California Attorney General's�llegations regarding pil­
fering of funds and the selling off of properties below market value!
auditors said they especially zeroed in on specific aspects of the alle­
gations in the State's original complaint.) Had the financial irregu­
larities claimed by the Attorney General begun to surface, their firm would
have "pulled out of the audit."