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Page 14
"FALLACI: Colonel, since you don't consider yourself a dictator, and not
even a president, not even a minister, tell me, what are you?
"QUADDAFI: I am the leader of the revolution. How evident that you
did not read my Green Book.
"FALLACI: On the contrary, I read it. It doesn't take very long, you
know, 15 minutes at the most. It's so small. My powder compact is bigger
than your little Green Book....How long did it take [to write it]?
"QUADDAFI: Many years. Before finding the definite solution, I had to
meditate a great deal on the history of humanity, on the conflicts of the
past and of the present.
And how did you come to the conclusion that democracy is a
dictatorial system, that parliament is a fraud, elections a mockery? There
are a lot of things in that little book I don't understand.
"QUADDAFI: Because you did not study it well, and you did not try to
understand what Jamahiriya [meaning "congress of the people"] is. You
have to stay here in Libya to study how a country works when there is no
government, no parliament, no representation, no strikes, and everything
is Jamahiriya.
"FALLACI: ...Who elects the representatives?
"QUADDAFI: Nobody! In the Jamahiriya, nobody is elected. There are no
elections, there is no representation...You are not even ready to underĀ­
stand the new era, the era of the masses. First there was the monarchy,
right? Then men's struggle led to the republic with its governments and
its presidents, correct? Now humanity has passed to another stage and
created Jamahiriya, which is the final solution.
"FALLACI: And where is the opposition?
"QUADDAFI: What opposition? What does the opposition have to do with
this? When everyone participates in the congress of the people, what need
is there for an opposition? Opposition to what?...With Jamahiriya the
authority of the people is achieved, the dream is realized. The struggle
is over.
"FALLACI: Maybe it's over for you, not for me.
happens to me if I refuse this Jamahiriya.
I want to know what
"QUADDAFI: But you cannot refuse it. Jamahiriya is the destiny of the
world. The authority of the people is the final stage. The day of the
revolution has inevitably arrived, thanks to the Green Book. In the
Nhole world. And the masses will seize power, and their guide will be
the Green Book....
'FALLACI: Colonel, Colonel, tell me: Is there any place for freedom in
:111 this?
'QUADDAFI: Freedom? What freedom? This is freedom.
:eedom. Why do you ask such a thing?
The only true, real