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Significantly, the Soviet takeover of Afghanistan coincides with the re­
election of Indira Gandhi as India's Prime Minister. Mrs. Ghandhi, quite
pro-Soviet in the past, condoned the Kremlin power play by blaming pre­
invasion internal troubles in Afghanistan on U.S./C.I.A. meddling--the
same line Moscow propaganda has taken. The presence of Mrs. Ghandhi in
New Delhi will seriously complicate U.S. efforts to militarily shore up
arch-rival Pakistan.
While America attempts to "negotiate" with a nation that has captured its
citizens, tries to bring the "weight" of "world opinion" down on the
mobocracy in Iran, the
clearly demonstrated that it is willing
to use whatever power is necessary to advance its national interest. A
fearful world lies mute.
"Imagine the reaction if the United States had air-lifted a thousand
military advisers to restore a pro-American regime in Nicaragua" mused
Patrick J. Buchanan. The world would have been in an uproar. Why?
Perhaps, he said·
, because the "Communist and Third World detest us because
they are revolted by the stench of weakness.n
A Madman Speaks
Buchanan went on to explain that despite foreign aid and other solicitous
assistance, "most of the regimes of the Second and Third Worlds--represent­
ing four-fifths of mankind--ofttimes display an almost irrational contempt
for the United States."
Perhaps no one, not even the Ayatollah Khomeini, exemplifies this
"irrational contempt" more than Libya's mercurial madman, Colonel Muarnrnar
el-Quaddafi. His hatred of both the United States and its Mideast patron,
Israel, knows no bounds.
In a remarkable interview with Italy's Oriana Fallaci (perhaps the world's
top interviewer) in a recent New York Times Magazine, Quaddafi said, among
other things: "An explosion of hatred toward America is taking place.
Everybody hates America, everybody, not only the Moslem countries. Because
everybody is or has been oppressed by America and sooner or later will
revolt against America--even those countries that are not Moslem."
The interview unleashed nearly all of Quaddafi's mad rantings and caught
him in one lie after another. He denied the well-known fact that he
has offered asylum to Uganda's butcher, Idi Amin. Defending Amin, Quaddafi
countered that "all the news about Amin is false, false and artificial,
the result of Zionist propaganda." To which Miss Fallaci countered: "If
a tyrant who slaughters his people merits the friendship of Colonel
Quaddafi just because he (Amin] hates the Jews, then Colonel Quaddafi
was born 40 years too late •.•.Hitler would have been a very good friend
for you.
Quaddafi, who is so radical that he recently had a falling out with PLO's
Yassir Arafat, then went on to defend the deposed ruler of the Central
African Empire, Jean-Bedel Bokassa. Bokassa was so notoriously evil he
even roasted and ate schoolchildren who disobeyed his commands!
The interview then concluded with a remarkable excursion into the theater
of the absurd, including Quaddafi's explanation of his "new gospel.