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I am writing this letter because of some articles in the December
issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. The article on the Pope was very
interesting and marvelous. The depth of the article has helped me
to understand the Bible a little bit better. Keep up the good work.
--Pastor & Mrs. Nam-Son Oh (Dist. Hght., MD)
I have been born and raised in the Roman Catholic faith. After
reading your article "Behind the Pope's Historic Visit to America"
in The PLAIN TRUTH magazine, December 1979, I could not believe my
own eyes.
To state that this Pope or any other Pope is working for Satan or on
Satan's orders is an outrageous lie!
--T. Kleindienst (Buena Park, CA)
I am a Catholic girl living in Iowa. In response to the article
"Behind the Pope's Historic Visit to America" in the December issue
of The PLAIN TRUTH, I would like to express my disapointment in the
author of this article.
The author had the nerve to imply that Pope
John Paul II was working through the "power of Satan." I am appalled
at this blasphemy, and that is exactly what it is!
--Annette Kestel (Schaller, IA)
The emergence of OUR new Polish Pope, John Paul, as the world's
only STRONG leader may well presage the rapid resumption of proph­
esied world events, as you so aptly phrased it.
I shall always keep the December issue of The PLAIN TRUTH for it is
indeed a masterpiece and not only in journalism. I extend my con­
gratulations to the author, Gene H. Hogberg, on an assignment
superbly done.
--Sister Claude of Jesus (Albany, NY)
Interest in Arab World Sparked by Article
"The Arab World in Prophecy" by Mr. Stump is one of the most eloquent
and fascinating articles I have ever read about the Arabs or any other
group or tribe of people. The background and references given just,
in my opinion, cannot be surpassed.
--0. D. Montoney (Elkins, NY)
Please extend my compliments to author Keith W. Stump for his
excellent story "The Arab World in Prophecy." It was excellently
written and presented. My studies in the Arab world confirms
practially all [points] excepting where the references are in Bible
references. My appraisal is a scientific analysis (not biblical).
--Jesse A. Valentine (St. Clair Shore, MI)
The article on "The Arab World in Prophecy" by Mr. Keith Stump is
one that every American should read. Yes, PLAIN TRUTH is to be
commended for reporting world news in advance and its true meaning.
--Mr. & Mrs. Carl Schnabel (Lake Worth, FL)