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Since December 1977 the "Sermon Summaries" offered with weekly and monthly
receipts have been some of the best pulling literature advertised by
Subscriber Development.
With each receipt form we enclose a descriptive offer of a current "Sermon
Summary" on Christian living, family relations, the Bible, prophecy, etc.
These "Summaries" are brief condensations of selected sermons given in
local Pasadena congregations--and in appearance resemble small reprint
(Member receipts may not always offer "Sermon Summary" articles
since these summaries are frequently printed in the GOOD NEWS or "Worldwide
During the past weeks, the Sermon Summary, "What Is Your Image of God?"
(taken from a sermon by Mr. Ellis LaRavia), has drawn the highest response
in two years from non-member contributors--a whopping 48% response!
The subject of man's relationship to God seems to be one that continually
brings a good response from the Work's supporters. They are apparently
the kind of people who want to know how to grow in their spiritual lives.
Our goal in Subscriber Development is to offer them literature which will
help them in this spiritual development.
NOTE: If you have given sermons which you think would be inspiring and
meaningful for the Work's co-workers, please send them in. We will be
glad to consider offering your sermons as a part of this program.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
We received an unusually heavy mail response to the December issue of The
PLAIN TRUTH. Two articles especially stood out in drawing a variety of
positive and negative reactions. They were "Behind the Pope's Historic
Visit to America" by Gene Hogberg and "The Arab World in Prophecy" by
Keith Stump.
We received a variety of comments on the article "Behind the Pope's
Historic Visit to America." While a number of readers praised the article
as factual and timely, some others saw it as an affront to the Pope.
Reactions to the article "The Arab World in Prophecy" were overwhelmingly
positive. Readers were impressed that such a complex subject could be
presented in an easily understood yet unbiased manner.
Finally, many general comments came from readers expressing appreciation
for putting more spiritual content back into the magazine.
--Mail Processing Center
Readers Express Differing Views
I have followed [in The PLAIN TRUTH] the warnings of what to expect
worldwide. Each time the data proved correct. And the latest is
Why The Pope's Visit to All the Countries? What Is the Reason?
so good people keep those informative PLAIN TRUTHS coming my way.
--Marie A. Slack (Lynbrook, NY)