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PASTOR GEENRAL'S REPORT, December 27, 1979
Page 4
But I must add, the rapid growth in the POWER of this Work depends
more upon YOUR PRAYERS, and your closeness to GOD and to Christ our
Savior, than on anything else. Relay this on to your congregations. And
We expect The PLAIN TRUTH to take on new life, and circulation to soar
to 3 million or past during 1980.
Dr. Herman L. Hoeh has been put back on the staff as Senior Editor.
Dexter Faulkner, who has done such an excellent job as Managing Editor of
the GOOD NEWS and the WORLDWIDE NEWS will also become Managing Editor of
The PLAIN TRUTH. He will add to his staff whatever he needs in layout and
The PLAIN TRUTH is completely unique in the magazine field. No other
publication is like it. Nor is it expected to be a carbon copy of this
world's mass circulation magazines whether news magazines, human interest,
or other,
As Ambassador College is once more GOD'S College, so The PLAIN TRUTH,
unlike any other, is GOD'S magazine.
Ambassador College is once more ACCREDITED! It was accredited before-­
with GOD'S accreditation, until one I had hoped would come along in his
father's footsteps as Christ's chosen, wanted the accreditation of Satan's
world. I never did want that, and now I think we have been saved from it-­
for good!
We need to realize this entire worldwide Work is unlike any other
activity on earth. It is the Work of the Living GOD! In almost every
department, men entrusted with department management have wanted and worked
with a will to make their departments LIKE THOSE OF THIS WORLD.
Years ago I put a man in charge of the business and financial
activities. Immediately he embarked on a campaign of "self improvement"
by studying books on this world's systems of business management. Soon his
department was crowded with multiple personnel, far more than needed, many
with little to do. This tendency spread to other departments.
Men began coming to work around 9:30 or 10 in the morning, going to
lunch before 12, and not bothering to come back until 2 or 2:30. If I
tried to call an employee on the telephone around 4, he already had left
for the day.
It became fashionable for department managers to congregate with the
Executive V.P. in the faculty locker room, where refrigerators were kept
stored with beer, wine and snacks. They would socialize, telling stories,
and too often dirty jokes, while their wives were alone at home with the
children until around 7 or 8.
I am only now discovering many POLICIES set WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OR
AUTHORITY from me or from the Board of Directors, regarding days off,
retirement, termination compensation, and other policies.