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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 27, 1979
Page 3
of Court.
In Tucson, California judges could not get to me, and I have
been free to continue the Work from here, unmolested by this massive
government attack.
God always TIMES things just right. On January 4th, the Receiver
went to our bank, and the bank stopped all our credit. Actually we owed
the bank some 3� million dollars, and if God's timing had not been ON
TARGET, we would have been BANKRUPT on January 4th.
But ON THAT VERY DAY, the proceeds from the sale of the Ambassador
campus in England, in round figures $3� million, arrived at our bank,
having been transferred from England. The bank took the $3� million--but
saved us from bankruptcy and left us solvent.
The second letter--after the Pasadena Post Office stopped the first
one--brought immediate results to Tucson, where it was banked out of reach
of the Deceiver--! mean Receiver.
Customarily, we have annually borrowed $1 million at our Los Angeles
bank at the beginning of January, and paid it back out of spring Holy Day
offerings. Also we have annually borrowed another million about July,
paying it back out of fall Holy Day offerings.
This year God blest us with an increased income so that we did not
have to b orrow either one of those millions. We would have been unable,
after the Attorney General's invasion, of course, but God foresaw that and
provided those millions in regular income.
Don't tell me God's Word doesn't mean what it says in Philippians
4:19, "My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory
by Christ Jesus."
Just THINK how God has supplied the NEED of His Church this year!
The income has shown an increase over the preceding year to just about
equal the amount of inflation! PRAISE GOD for His wonderful goodness to
His people whom He is using in His Work!
Now what of 1980?
God's Work will LEAP AHEAD AT ACCELERATING PACE. Time is growing
short. God knows that better than we. And, as we get OURSELVES and His
Church back on the track, getting ourselves CLOSER TO HIM and HIS WILL,
His blessings on His Church will rapidly INCREASE! EXPECT IT!
He has opened the doors to nations to take Christ's Gospel Message
of THE KINGDOM OF GOD as a witness to all nations. No power can close it!
The most successful visit to government heads at Peking, China, has
opened other doors--among them an invitation to visit North Korea and
other nations, including RUSSIA!
God has now opened the door to government heads of the USSR. Also
to Czechoslovakia, and Poland. A visit is now planned to Cairo, Jerusalem,
Poland, possibly Czechoslovakia, and to �oscow about late April and early