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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 20, 1979
Page 14
This week we are featuring comments about recent miraculous healings
which have occurred in the lives of several of our members. These inspiring
accounts will be especially encouraging for the brethren to hear.
--Mail Processing Center
Recent Healings
After hearing so many examples lately of healings in the Church and
reading the article in the festival brochure on "By the Hand of God,"
our family decided to have one of our children anointed. He had been
afflicted for many years with many allergies. As a family we spent
a day fasting, praying and studying together, then called our minister
over to anoint our son, who is eleven. His healing was instantaneous!
Not only that, but his entire personality was also changed. He be­
came a happy, contented and calm child, the complete opposite of
before. I can hardly comprehend this great blessing. Why did we
ever wait so long? That is a qu2stion we have asked ourselves over
and over.
--The Knudsen Family (Edena, MN)
Friday, November 2, I received a call at 9 p.m. from my son's wife,
telling me that my son was in the hospital in Mount Carmel, Illinois,
very close to death. He had been overcome by hydrochloric acid fumes
while rescuing a fellow worker from a tank truck. They were taken to
the hospital in Mount Carmel, and there the doctors sent the other man
on to Evansville, Indiana.
The doctors told my son's wife that if they lived four hours they
would live, but they would have damage to the brain, lungs and liver.
Sandra asked me if I would call Mr. Lohr, our minister, for a cloth
and prayer for Howard and ask for the people here to pray for him.
I did, and God answered. At 11 p.rn. the doctor told Sandra to call
for us to come, that our son was dying. At 11:30 p.m. he came to
and sat up in the bed and wanted to go home. He had been healed.
The hospital tested and x-rayed Saturday morning and could find no
damage to the brain, liver or lungs. The man they sent to Evansville
was healed also.
--Mrs. Elsie Mick (Tampa, FL)
I've been wanting to write for some time, but I am now feeling up
to writing you in regard to the miraculous healing which I was so
happy to receive recently.
On May 22 I was stricken with a stroke. First I lost my ability to
see except for blurring vision. Next, my left leg, then left arm
were practically useless. Then my speech became very difficult and
unclear. Next my mouth and jaw muscular control, no control of
eliminating system. Fortunately my mind seemed to stay sound.
I asked my wife to call our pastor, Mr. Bob Dick, as soon as possible.
After being anointed, the feeling of anxiety left me and I felt calm