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Every Reader Needs to Know.· •." Pro conunents slightly outnwnber cons
on that one. The "Speaks Out
column and the "Personal'� were the
next highest mail pullers, though Jon Hill's article on tithing drew
much favorable mail.
Please announce to your ·congregations that the June/July and
October/November issues of the PT will be combined due ·to continuing
financial restraints.
--Brian Knowles; Editorial Services
IMPACT OF NEW BOOKLET IN BRITAIN In a "first" for the Work in Britain
and Ireland, over 20,000 copies of the brand new 16-page booklet
"Kiddie Porn -- Causes and Cures" {essentially a compilation of the
recent P.T. articles on the subject} are being sent to M.P.'s,
schools, the media and church and civic leaders throughout the region.
The mailing is being timed to coincide with the passage through
Parliament of the "Protection of Children Bill," legislation similar
to that recently enacted by the U.S. House of Representatives by 401
votes to nil.
A taped interview with noted child educational psychologist Doctor
Ludwig F. Lowenstein has also gone
25 local radio stations for
immediate use, and phone-in progranunes featuring representatives of
the Work will be run on a further two stations. Nearly 60 M.P.'s,
including Edward Heath, ex- Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, present
Leader of the Opposition and David Steel, leader of the Liberal Party,
have already written in expressing their support for the effort we
have made. A number of prominent newspapers have also featured the
story which was nationally wire-released.
In view of its success in this venture, the idea of promoting a booklet
on a topical issue to opinion-leaders will be repeated on suitable
occasions in the future. In press coverage, the names Plain Truth and
Worldwide Church of God have been prominently featured.
--Frank Brown, Regional Director, Great Britain
TRAVELETTER REVIEW A complete review of Traveletter limits and
expense budgets has been mailed to the area coordinators. If your
expense budget needs adjusting, please contact your area coordinator
soon. If you have sent in a request for a change and haven't heard
anything, your request has been sent to your area coordinator for
his considera · ti·on and'
- · ..
·- · ·
--Ministerial Services
following suggestion from Ron Stoddart may arrive a little late to be
taken advantage of this year, but we thought we would include it this
time in case some of you receive this Pastor's Report before Passover
and wanted to give Ron's idea a try.}
Every year we have to pour hundreds of small amounts of wine into
the glasses at Passover, so I thought you might want to let
whoever does it in the church areas know of a simple and effectiv E()
way to pour quickly and without spillage.
Last year I bought a disposable hypodermic syringe, a fairly
large one, and used that without the needle. It is lots easier