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he adopts very firm lines according to his own beliefs
and opinions.
One would hesitate to say that he is biased, but he makes no
bones about putting the emphasis on where he wants the
emphasis to be.
It- isn't a case of "slant."
He just ups and
outs with it.
One cannot compare Armstrong with the aggressive Bible­
punching Vanimpee.
And as for Oral Roberts, well, he is the
impressario who produces the musical spectacular and introduces
into it his own particular brand of family-life sugar.
The mail count for the week ending April 14th
was the best we've had in the last eleven months!
According to our
preliminary count nearly 53,000 letters were received for the weE�k,
bringing our monthly total for April to about 93,000 letters.
year-to-date total now stands at 590,000 letters.
Newsletter Generatin� Good Return:
A flyer and card combination
featuring the Worldwide Church of God was sent with the "Co-Worker
Newsletter" last month.
Three booklets were offered:
Where Is God's
True Church?,
This Is The Worldwide Church of God, and Which Day Is
The Christian Sabbath?
Most importantly, a visit request was also
So far, we've received 527 visit requests.
We feel the response was helped by a special article featuring
excerpts from Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's address to the 1978
Ministerial Conference.
The article was titled:
"Not The Work Of
Man -- It's The Work Of Christ."
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Peter Butler reports from England that the
special Kiddie Porn booklet (based upon the articles written by D.
Paul Graunke) has had an excellent response in Britain.
It was mailed
to M.P.s, schools, and the Press.
Apparently about 60 M.P.s have
already responded, including Margaret Thatcher, Edward Heath, and the
grandson of Winston Churchill.
(This booklet is not avilable else­
where at present.
It was specially adapted to British consumption.)
Lesson 12 of the CORRESPONDENCE COURSE has gone to press today and
should be-- tPnfil.--able within 4 to 6 weeks.
We're glad-- that pYOJeet--is
finally completed.
Richard Sedliacik, John R. Schroeder and Ron
Nelson have all worked very hard on it.
The Doctrines of the Worldwide Church of God booklet, based on the
STP proJect, has also gone to composing today.
We are giving this
booklet top priority.
It will be sent automatically to all church
It is chained to numerous booklets and reprint articles
which expand on the subjects summarized therein.
The international
areas will have to edit out some of these chainings due to the inavail­
ability of some of the literature advertised.
Those responsible for
international chaining and editing should check the manuscript care-
fully for this.
Results are beginning to come in on the February PT.
The largest
number of comments came in on Mr. Armstrong's feature article "What