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PASTOR GENERl\L'S REPORT, December 20, 1979
Page 6
The Plain Truth: We are at the present time adding around 1,000 new Plain
Truth subscribers each week. These responses are, in the main, coming
from Householder Cards, and ads in "T.V. Times" and "T.V. Week."
Each response receives by return mail an introductory copy of The Plain
Truth featuring Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong on the front cover, together with
a special insert letter which explains briefly who supports The Plain
Truth, who Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong is, what our major activities are,
what Ambassador College is, why a worldwide work, and why The Plain Truth
is free. In addition, the special insert letter offers four "non-religious"
booklets: "Principles of Healthful Living," "Managing Your Personal
Finances," "Are We Living in The Last Days?" and "Is Sex Sin?"
We are pleased to report another month of good progress in God's Work here
in Canada. Income continues to reflect God's blessings--this month closed
at +5%, giving a year-to-date increase of +13%.
Another piece of good news this month is our acceptance of an offer from
the CKO all-news radio network. Broadcasting in Montreal, Toronto, London,
Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver, the World Tomorrow will be aired
Monday through Friday at 8:00 p.rn. CKO is a growing network as is the
concept of all-news stations here in Canada.
Approval has been given by the Super-Valu supermarket chain in British
Columbia for Plain Truth newsstand displays in their 50 outlets. A further
50 of their franchised stores are also to be approached. A test in two
stores in Vancouver has indicated a take-up rate of 3,000 to 4,000 copies
per store per month.
--Joe Tkach
At the first opportunity after the China trip was concluded, Mr. Rader
spoke to the students and the employees of the Church and college on
Thursday, December 13.
Comments About the China Trip
Never wanting to preempt Mr. Armstrong who will be writing and speaking
on his recent and highly successful trip to the Peoples' Republic of
China, Mr. Rader let it suffice to say that "It was a marvelous trip, he
/:1r. Armstrong/ has much to say.... " Then Mr. Rader proceeded to relate
few things that were personal to himself in his role of assisting Mr.
As we already know, Mr. Rader has been used extensively by Mr. Armstrong
in making advance arrangements for his trips to other countries. This
led to his own invitations to speak and thereby broaden the recognition
of God's Work in both China and Japan. He expressed surprise at the
extent of interest generated by his lecture at Peking University recently.
He has been invited to return in January for a week of lecturing at the
nation's most prestigious university. (His last lecture, you will recall,
was referred to in a previous Pastor General's Report. It concerned the
U.S. Constitution and the First Amendment. Mr. Rader's office is sending