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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 20, 1979
Page 5
We presently have 740 subscribers in Guadeloupe. However, we will soon
be distributing 500 "La Pure Verite" through a store called "Libre Service"
which means Self-Serve. With the help of God, our minister Mr. Erick
Dubois hopes to soon increase the nwnber of subscribers to 2000.
In Haiti, the poorest of the three islands, Mr. Apartian was interviewed
by Radio-Haiti for over a half an hour. He was asked all kinds of
questions about God's Work, the Bible's teachings and the Church's mission.
In short, Haiti heard the gospel! Mr. Apartian was able to visit with
Lionel Estinvil the ministerial trainee in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, for the
first time since he moved to serve the brethren there just prior to the
Feast of Tabernacles.
After a year or so of searching for a place to meet in Paris, God has
finally answered our prayers. He has given .us a tailor-made hall for our
needs and at a rather reasonable price (relatively speaking, since nothing
is cheap in Pa�is!). Bible Studies, Sabbath services, social meetings will
all be held in this hall. Mr. Sam Kneller also reports that the average
attendance for the four regular Sabbath services in Paris during November
was 200. He writes: "It's very encouraging to see new people coming."
Mr. Bernard Andrist held two follow-up Bible studies--one in Geneva and
one in Lausanne--on November 14 and 15. A total of eleven new persons
attended. Our minister in Lyon, Mr. Muir, reports that three new persons
have started attending services as a result of Mr. Apartian's recent Bible
L€ctures in Lyon.
C:-iurch: We are continuing to experience solid growth in the church areas.
A new-attendance record (4,836) was set this month. One new church was
recently started at Ipswich, Qld., with 78 in attendance. Another is soon
to be opened up at Gosford, N.S.W. Since January this year 13 new
churches have been added (slightly better than one new church per month),
bringing our total number of churches in Australia to 60. This month
the�e were 19 baptisms, bringing the total number of baptisms for the year
so far to 207.
Aid to Kampuchean Refugees: Following appeals worldwide for aid to
improve the terrible plight of the Kampuchean (Cambodian) refugees, the
Work in Australia donated $5,000 from our assistance fund. This aid was
forwarded to the Kampuchean refugees through the agency of the Australian
Red Cross. In addition,an opportunity was presented to the Australian
membership to donate to this worthy cause if they so desired. So far
nnnrlrinns from the Australian members for the Kampuchean fund total $8,393.
The Australian Red Cross was somewhat surprised by the response from the.
Church as indicated by the following letter� "We would like you to convey
to your members our most grateful appreciation of their cooperation in
raising such a wonderful amount of money towards the Kampuchean Appeal.
We respect your wishes regarding any publicity but felt we 1ust had to
thank you and assure you that your financial support will /help to/
alleviate the suffering and distress of so many underprivileged people."