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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 28, 1979
Page 10
has just recently begun. It originated under the U.S. newsstand program.
Our Plain Truth distributor in the area, as he made his deliveries,
constantly being questioned by people why we did not offer the French
edition. He brought this to the attention of management. We now have
"La Pure Verite'' available to this new audience.
--Submitted by Rod Matthews, International Office
This week's mail contained an interesting variety of comments, with most
centering on the recent Feast of Tabernacles. Most members agreed that
it was possibly the greatest Feast God's Church has held in modern times.
--Mail Processing Center
Response to the Feast
This last Feast of Tabernacles was my fifth one, and it was vastly
superior to any Feast I have kept up to this time. You warned us
to pray that Christ keep Satan away from the Feast. Well, I can
tell you that up at Saratoga Springs Satan seemed to be utterly
banished! God's Spirit was clearly in control of the Feast at
SaLatoga. The Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day left me with
a spiritual strength which I will desperately try to hold on to and
increase throughout this year until the Feast of Tabernacles 1980.
--Gary E. Kreger (Kunkletown, PA)
We have just returned from the Feast in St. Petersburg. We wanted
you to know that this was our best Feast ever. It seems like God
gives us the spiritual food at the Feast that the Church needs to
do God's Work for the coming year. For instance, the sermons we
heard at the Feast last year were just the sort of messages that
proved helpful through the trials the Church has faced in the last
year. God is blessing His Church.
--Mr. & Mrs. Randy Gregory (Austin, TX)
Our family attended the Feast in Biloxi, Mississippi this year and
what a tremendously inspiring Feast it was. The spiritual meat we
received was so much needed and greatly appreciated. We came home
renewed and refreshed and have set goals for our individual spiritual
growth as well as goals for our family's spiritual growth during
this year. It was so good to see and hear you on film and also by
video machines. The messages were inspiring and full of the spirit­
ual meat we need for correction and instruction.
--Mr. & Mrs. Scott Miller (Silsbee, TX)
Just want you to know that I, along with everyone I met, had a
wonderful Feast of Tabernacles. We had around 4300 in Savannah,
and all I saw were smiles on happy faces. I'm looking forward to
the time when the whole world will have a smile on its face, a
smile of true happiness and enjoyment as our people worldwide have
today. Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for the many, many hours you have
spent studying and praying to bring us God's truth.
--Mrs. Gudger Wilson (Alexander, NC)