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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 28, 1979
Page 9
for many years that such a fine hard-bound book has been made available.
Quotations for this massive print run of the book have already been
received from the printers here in the United States. We may possibly
print and mail here in the U.S. for other parts of the world--these pro­
duction options are still being considered. Whatever we decide production
wise, the cost of printing and shipping will be carried by the United
States for most overseas areas.
Mr. Richard Rice says we should plan for an approximate 20% response,
which would mean a print order of around 200,000 for worldwide distribu­
tion. Our hope is that we will do even better than the 20% because we
know that there will be many positive results from the letter and the
--Roger G. Lippross
The French Work--A Summary of Activities
Mr. Apartian's Trip: Mr. Dibar Apartian will be visiting Martinique,
Guadeloupe and Haiti from November 29 to December 9, 1979. During this
trip he will hold a few Bible Studies. For some time, because of a
postal strike in the Caribbean, communications with our ministers were
cut off. Communications were only possible by telephone.
News from France: Mr. Sam Kneller, pastor of the Paris Church, reports
that at the Sabbath services following the Feast, there were fifteen new
persons attending. In all there were 271 persons who attended services.
This is the highest Sabbath attendance in over a year. Income from
tithes and offering, in France, remains good.
News from Switzerland: The Swiss Radio has a talk show called "L'antenne
est a vous" (The antenna is yours). We will be able to go on the program
to tell the Swiss just what God's Work is. The only restriction we have
is that we have to talk about Swiss problems--or of things pertaining
directly to Switzerland. Mr. Andrist, our pastor in Geneva, is busily
making the necessary arrangements.
Membership Growth: At the end of September, 1979, the French Work world­
wide had 60 new members, 86 new co-workers and 269 new donors. We have
experienced good growth during this year.
"La Pure Verite" subscription: The French Work not only exists in France,
Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and the West Indies, but also goes in many
other countries around the world. As of November 1979, the total number
of subscriptions to "La Pure Verite" was 29,588 in 134 countries--exclud­
ing Canada. The three areas which receive the largest number of copies
are: Europe, 20,027 copies; Black Africa, 4,306 copies and the West
Indies, 3,141 copies. The country that receives the largest number of
"La Pure Verite" is, of course, France--13,511 copies. Surprisingly
enough, we have 32 subscribers behind the Iron Curtain, and 908 in the
United States. God is making sure that French people around the world
ar� made aware of His truth!
Newsstand Program: "La Pure Verite
is now being distributed via the news­
stand program in the following areas: Canada, 50,000 copies; Alaska, 250
copies; New Hampshire, 800 copies. The newstand program in New Hampshire