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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 20, 1979
Page 8
About Unconverted Mates and Children Being Set Apart
Thank you from the heart for revealing to us that our unconverted
mates and children are not cut off from God. My husband and son
are in this group and it was the best news I've heard in some time.
--Mrs. Charles E. McIntyre (Jamestown, NY)
Your tape revealing the new knowledge that our children and
unconverted mates are set apart was most uplifting and ex­
hilarating! How wonderful that God continues to open your mind
to understand His word deeper and deeper. Truly, we are most
blessed to live at this time and to be called now'.
--Cynthia C. Cook (Corrigan, TX)
I must express my appreciation to you concerning the service
at the Y.O.U. camp at Orr, Minnesota.
I am the only church
member in my family and I have always wondered about the
relationship between God and the other members of my family.
God bless you for revealing this relationship to the church-­
and those of us whose mates and children are not church members.
--Robert E. Faris (Birmingham, AL)
Thank you so much for sharing with us via tape your sermons at
Orr, Minnesota--most especially the wonderfully exciting new
understanding of I Corinthians 7. My husband, though unconverted,
has been pleased to dwell with me in peace. Of course, we have
our conflicts of priorities at times, but God has wonderfully
blessed our home for which we are both thankful. And now, through
you, Christ has added the blessing of knowing my husband and our
sons are not cut off from God and attuned only to Satan's broad­
casting. Instead they can have some understanding of how to
fight the influences of Satan and his world. In this end time,
that is very encouraging, uplifting, exciting, good news! Again,
thank you very much.
--Betsy Cutshall (Centerville, OH)
Response to Church Publications
I have had so many questions and your booklets have answered them
all, and better than that have shown me where to find the answers
in my own Bible. Thanks so much for opening closed doors for me.
--Barbara Elam (Ceres, CA)
I wish to express my appreciation for all the free literature
you've sent me. If it wasn't for all these articles, I wouldn't
know very much of what's right and wrong with all us people in
this time of the end.
--Violet Seltzer (Glendale, CA)
I am half way through Mr. Armstrong's Autobiography. It is
becoming so inspiring to me.
If one does not constantly think
of the book to be factual, it's as if you are reading a best-